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Niederlande: Strom aus Biogas

The Netherlands: Clean Energy through Biogas


Project technology


Biogas through Methane Capture

Emission reduction

45.000 t

CO2 e p.a.

Project standard


Key facts



Project type:


Project start:

May 2016

The Netherlands

Biogas through Methane Capture

May 2016

The Project

Das vorliegende Projekt konzentriert sich sich auf die Vermeidung von Methan und die Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energie durch Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlagen (KWK) an drei Projektstandorten. Das Biogasprojekt vermeidet unkontrollierte Methanemissionen und reduziert Treibhausgasemissionen durch den Ersatz fossiler Brennstoffe und nutzt die erzeugte erneuerbare Wärme zum Trocknen von Kartoffeln und zum Heizen der Tierställe. Alleine der Der Standort Aben (hier abgebildet) erzeugt jährlich etwa 45 GWh Strom. 

The project activities have implemented an anaerobic digestion setup with a grid connected Combined Heat and Power plants (CHP) attached, using primarily pig and cattle manure for fermentation, as well as co-ferments such as food wastes from agricultural and industrial food production processes. The 3 projects generate about 100 GWh of green electricity annually. The biogas projects avoid uncontrolled methane emissions from manure management and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by replacing fossil fuels, using the renewable heat for producing organic pellet fertilizers, drying substrates or heating livestock stables. 

Sustainable Development

While focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, all our projects also generate multiple co-benefits. These are supportive of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. By supporting this project you’ll contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals:  


Project images

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Project video

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Project video

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Project video

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Project video

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