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Science-Based Targets

Is your company taking on a pioneering role in climate action and would like to be at the forefront of the climate-friendly transformation of the business sector? If so, you should decide to introduce Science-Based Targets in your company according to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Wissenschaftsbasierte Klimaziele

First Climate can advise you on the development and implementation of Science-Based Targets that match your business and climate strategy.

Science-Based Targets – First Climate’s Services

Introductory Workshops

In our interactive workshops on the topic of “Defining Corporate Climate Goals – Introduction to Science-Based Targets (SBTs)”, we will explore the basics of Science-Based Targets together. Here you will have an opportunity to exchange ideas directly with our experts and ask them general questions about the workshop content.  

Pathways for Science-Based Targets Setting 

Science-Based Targets are the foundation of any sound climate strategy. Benefit from our expertise and leverage the potential of Science-Based Targets to improve your CDP scoring and strengthen your brand and competitiveness.

To that end, we can help you develop a customized science-based reduction target pathway for your company. This clearly shows to what extent and over what timeframe emissions need to be reduced, making your net zero strategy quantifiable and tangible.

Specific advice on more complex topic content 

In addition to developing a reduction target pathway, there are many other concerns and topics related to Science-Based Targets. With the following services among others, we are happy to support you in navigating and understanding the complex world of Science-Based Targets:

  • Benchmarking

  • Scenario analyses

  • Method comparison

  • Final review of Science-Based Targets before submission to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

What are Science-Based Targets?

According to scientific projections, we have a limited amount of CO2 emissions that can be emitted every second until we exceed the 1.5°C limit. Therefore, this amount must not be exceeded if the world wants to keep global warming within the limits defined by the Paris Agreement. Companies can ideally support the global fight against climate change by aligning their own emission reduction targets with the remaining carbon budget through climate protection measures.

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) allows companies to set net zero targets based on the latest climate science to support achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. A “Science-Based Target” is thus a climate goal that sets a clearly defined pathway for companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and allows each company's "fair share" of the remaining carbon budget to be determined as a sustainable alternative to a "business as usual" scenario.

Developing Science-Based Targets

Base Year

  • How do I claim the green attribute of the energy generated when I have a PPA with a renewable energy facility?
    When procuring renewable energy with a green PPA it is of utmost importance to also include the underlying Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) in the contract. EACs are the only way to credibly connect the megawatt hours (MWh) of energy produced by a solar or wind farm to the energy consumed by a corporate customer. First Climate can support and advise on finding the right contractual model to procure green energy credibly and sustainably from a renewable energy asset.
  • How much does a PPA cost?
    PPA costs and pricing are constantly changing on the market and depend on various factors such as current supply and energy source. Solar energy PPA costs for example, are different than wind energy PPA costs. Because PPA contracts are inherently complex, there is a wide variety of pricing structures available. First Climate provides support to companies to find the most suitable PPA pricing and achieve renewable energy targets.
  • Do I need a PPA to have 100% renewable energy supply ?
    The short answer is “no”. The long one must be “no, but…”. Besides the procurement of EACs, which when adhering to a certain set of criteria, are also an instrument for renewable energy procurement recognized by most major sustainability reporting standards, PPAs can be an additional way to implement renewable energy to your power procurement. Depending on your overall energy demand, PPAs can be an integral part to your (green) energy procurement strategy, since they not only ensure renewable energy procurement but also provide long-term price stability. An integrated green energy procurement strategy usually consists of several pillars which also can include self-generation to strike the balance between energy security, economics, and sustainability reporting requirements.
  • How do I determine the right renewable technology and the right energy volume for a PPA?
    To determine the right size as well as the best suited technology of a PPA it is mandatory to evaluate the load profile to minimize oversupply of renewable energy. Since every load profile has its unique characteristics our PPA Experts analyze this data and match it to simulated generation profiles of wind and solar farms. Once the appropriate PPA-volume as well as the best fitting technology (or a combination of technologies) is defined, First Climate supports its corporate clients to conduct a Request for Proposals (RFP) to obtain PPA-offers, including modelled generation profiles of planned wind and solar projects to assess and identify the most suitable generation facility to conduct a PPA with.
  • Are PPAs recognized by sustainability reporting standards as a renewable energy procurement option to reduce Scope 2 emissions?
    First Climate works closely with global sustainability reporting standards, such as the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), CDP and the RE100 initiative to ensure that our clients not only measure their Scope 2 emissions in line with these standards, but also that the green energy procurement meets their defined criteria. PPAs, especially those concluded with newly constructed wind and solar assets, fulfill these criteria. PPAs show a high level of commitment to supporting the development of new renewable energy projects, ensuring additionality. They also provide significant price security. To connect the consumption of renewable energy to its generation, EACs need to be included in the energy supply contract.
  • Virtual PPAs
    In contrast to a physical PPA, virtual PPAs are purely financial contracts that do not include any physical power delivery or transmission fees. This is why they are sometimes referred to as synthetic or financial PPAs. The aim of a virtual PPA is to generate similar economic effects for both the supplier and the buyer as with a physical PPA contract, even if they do not have shared access to the same network. The underlying structure is often a Contract for Difference.
  • Physical PPAs
    There are different types of physical PPAs, from on-site to off-site. In both cases, parties agree on a fixed amount of electricity to be sold and delivered through the PPA. An on-site PPA usually secures a direct physical supply of electricity. With an off-site PPA, the company agrees to purchase a physical amount of electricity specified in the PPA and produced either by a specific project or a portfolio of projects. The electricity from the renewable energy facility is not supplied to the company via a direct wire, but into the public grid.
  • Are carbon footprints for companies regulated by law?
    In many countries there are legal regulations and obligations to report greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon accounting helps companies to comply with these regulations and minimize legal risks.
  • How often should a company conduct a carbon footprint assessment?
    The frequency of carbon accounting varies depending on company size, sector and objectives. Many companies carry it out annually. Our recommendation is to do it annually to have up-to-date data and track emissions progress. Changes in the activities or infrastructure of the value chain may also require additional assessments. Legal requirements should also be observed, such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in the EU.
  • What standards or guidelines are there for carbon accounting?
    Carbon accounting is carried out in accordance with international standards such as ISO 14064 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol). These standards define the process for measuring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, national and regional government guidelines may apply. The choice of the appropriate framework depends on various factors, including company size, industry and objectives. Companies often use a combination of these standards and guidelines to achieve consistent and comparable results and meet sustainability targets.
  • What data is needed for carbon accounting?
    Carbon accounting requires various data to quantify greenhouse gas emissions. This includes energy consumption information, fuel consumption, production data, emission factors, transportation and travel data, information on purchased goods and services, waste and wastewater data, building information and information on CO2 reduction measures. The exact requirements vary depending on company goals and standards. Accurate data collection is crucial for accurate carbon footprints and the identification of emission reduction opportunities.
  • What are the most common challenges in carbon accounting?
    Carbon accounting can present several challenges, including data collection and quality, the complexity of selecting and applying emission factors, data verification, resource constraints for smaller companies and changes in business operations. Different legislation and stakeholder expectations can also pose challenges. Overcoming these requires careful planning, staff training and the use of best practice - ideally accompanied by carbon footprint consulting. Continuous improvement of accounting processes is critical to producing accurate and reliable carbon footprints and minimizing environmental impact.
  • What advantages do I have with First Climate's CDP Reporting services?
    First Climate’s sustainability consultants work closely with clients to determine goals and a complementary strategy, conduct gap analyses to identify potential areas for increased climate action, create opportunity and risk profiles, analyze hotspots and emission sources, and prepare a final report. First Climate’s expertise and solutions for renewable energy and science-based targets specifically gives its clients an edge when disclosing through CDP. In addition to this, First Climate and CDP will continue to offer joint online seminars on essential topics throughout the year.
  • What are the advantages of disclosing with CDP?
    By measuring environmental and climate risks, hidden costs are uncovered in many cases, which can save companies thousands of dollars. The reduced dependence on limited resources and the exchange of innovations are further advantages that the project can offer. CDP provides a sound basis for decision-making based on valid data. This is because environmental influences are also considered on a large scale and the impact of environmental policy measures is precisely evaluated. In this way, CDP can be used to promote ecological concepts and green growth. Last but not least, the publicly available information can also be used as a stimulus for new regulations in environmental protection or give the reporting organizations the opportunity to learn from each other.
  • How does CDP work?
    The CDP reporting process consists of three main steps that can be applied to all participants: As part of CDP, companies, cities and countries are asked to submit valid data on their respective environmental impact. This can, for example, relate to the use of resources such as water or surveys on self-caused greenhouse gas emissions. The data is collected using standardized questionnaires on a voluntary basis. CDP employees check the information and analyze the influencing factors. They then derive suggestions for improvement. All data is then published so that it is accessible to everyone free of charge.
  • How can I improve my CDP Score?
    Among other things, you can set science-based targets, define a detailed climate strategy and reduce emissions in all areas (Scopes 1, 2 and 3). For the best CDP score results, it is recommended to work with a CDP Accredited Solutions Provider. As a silver CDP renewable energy and science-based targets solutions provider in the DACH region, First Climate can help you to complete your CDP report and optimize your company's CDP score.
  • What is the difference between offsetting and insetting?
    The term "offsetting" describes the compensation of unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions by supporting external climate projects. Insetting, on the other hand, refers to an emission reduction project directly along a company's own value chain. This minimizes climate risks in the value chain. For example, insetting projects can include using sustainable soil and land-use techniques or the implementation of agroforestry programs.
  • Does an insetting project fit into my company's climate strategy?
    In principle, companies with long or complex supply chains have a high emission reduction potential with an insetting project. If your company's carbon footprint shows a Scope 3 hotspot, an insetting project could be a good choice. ​The best way to find out if an insetting project is right for you is to work closely with First Climate. Together we can conduct an initial consultation and scoping study to identify priority areas for Scope 3 measures in your value chain.
  • Are there any cons to carbon insetting?
    Carbon insetting is a very good instrument for effective corporate climate action climate. The following factors generally play an important role in the implementation of insetting projects and must be examined individually during project development: Time: An insetting project must be tailored specifically to a company's value chain. Ensuring the quality and efficiency of project development requires great care, which makes the development process correspondingly time-consuming. A realistic estimate places the project development between one year and several years. In return, companies receive a tailor-made climate project with maximum efficiency, measurable climate benefits and direct opportunities to influence its development. Costs: Developing your own climate project always involves investment. However, in addition to reducing Scope 3 emissions, investments in our own value chain can pay off in the future, e.g. through more resilient value chains and improved supply security.
  • Wo werden Aufforstungsprojekte durchgeführt?
    Die Aufforstung erfolgt auf Flächen, die seit langem stark degradiert sind, oft durch Abholzung oder Landwirtschaft. Aufforstungsprojekte können weltweit durchgeführt werden, abhängig von den Bedürfnissen und Zielen des Unternehmens. Es gibt Projekte in verschiedenen Ländern und Regionen, die unterschiedliche ökologische Herausforderungen angehen. Die Wahl des Standorts kann auch mit der Verbindung zum eigenen Unternehmen oder der Kundenbasis in Einklang gebracht werden.
  • Wie lange dauert es, bis Aufforstungsprojekte positive Auswirkungen zeigen?
    Die nachhaltige Wirkung von (Wieder-)Aufforstungen ist langfristig angelegt. Es dauert mehrere Jahre, bis die gepflanzten Bäume heranwachsen und ihre volle ökologische Funktion erfüllen. Unternehmen sollten solche Projekte deshalb als langfristige Investition betrachten, die über die Jahre hinweg positive Auswirkungen haben wird.
  • Carbon Footprint - what is it?
    The carbon footprint describes how many greenhouse gases are released during an action, activity, or process.
  • How can a carbon footprint be reduced?
    There are various options for this as part of an individual climate strategy. For example, the purchase of green electricity certificates of origin or the development of a climate protection project along your value chain is conceivable.
  • What emissions are included in a carbon footprint?
    Contrary to what the term suggests, carbon dioxide is not the only emission taken into account when calculating a carbon footprint. Other greenhouse gases, such as methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexaflouride, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and nitrogen trifluoride are also included.
  • Why are some REDD+ projects criticized and what’s First Climate’s position?
    Recently, there have been criticisms from newspapers and other stakeholders alleging that REDD+ projects verified by VERRA do not fully deliver on their claimed climate impact. As a result, projects could overestimate the deforestation rate of what’s known as the “baseline scenario”, or the assumed development of the forest’s state without the project. In this sense, the alleged “baseline inflation” could lead to a project issuing more carbon credits than justified. Climate projects in the area of forestry conservation can be particularly challenging due to their complexity regarding implementation and verification. While it can therefore not be ruled out with certainty that baselines might have been overestimated in the past, First Climate deems the methods and certification procedures applied by the VERRA standard as sound and valid. First Climate welcomes the reporting and the debate it encourages as a vital component of the ongoing advancement of the REDD+ methodologies in the voluntary carbon market. In this sense, we also acknowledge VERRA’s ongoing efforts to further refine their respective methodologies. However, it is important not to lose sight of the bigger picture. We are in dire need of accelerated global climate action and forest protection is one of the most important pillars. REDD+ projects can play a key role in achieving the climate goals set by the Paris Agreement.
  • What is the aim of REDD+ Projects?
    REDD+ is a mechanism developed by the UN to help countries in the Global South conserve their forests. Through financial incentives, REDD+ promotes forest conservation, helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and supports economic diversification without clearing the forest.
  • What are the benefits of forest conservation and REDD+ projects?
    Forest conservation and REDD+ projects reduce greenhouse gas emissions by storing carbon, protect biodiversity by conserving forests, and improve the living conditions of local people by creating jobs and income.
  • How are forest conservation and REDD+ projects implemented?
    The implementation of these projects requires careful planning and collaboration with local communities. They go through several phases, including planning, implementation, and evaluation, to ensure that project objectives are achieved and the rights and needs of the local population are taken into account.
  • What are Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs)?
    The aim of Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) is to provide information about the quantity and origin of electricity from renewable energy sources. However, this does not assess the ecological quality of the energy production.
  • Who can use Energy Attribute Certificates?
    Energy Attribute Certificates are particularly interesting for electricity producers who generate energy from renewable sources that are not subsidized by the EEG. These can be, for example, operators of mixed combustion plants (e.g. waste-to-energy plants) who want to market green electricity. Likewise, wind power and solar energy plants and pumped storage power plants that feed renewable or biogenic electricity into the grid can be registered in the guarantees of origin register.
  • Who issues energy attribute certificates?
    Electricity producers in Germany can obtain Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) from the Federal Environment Agency for the amount of electricity they produce from renewable sources and feed into the grid, insofar as it is not subsidized under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).
  • What are the benefits of guarantees of origin for green electricity?
    Electricity producers have the option of voluntarily participating in the register of guarantees of origin and selling their guarantees of origin to energy supply companies - regardless of the origin of the electricity. This enables additional financial profits for the generator and a positive effect on their own image, as customers and investors are placing increasing value on green power generation.
  • Is green electricity more expensive than normal electricity?
    In Germany, green electricity is on average no more expensive than electricity generated from fossil resources. In some cases, more favorable price for green energy compared to basic tarifs. One reason for this is that renewable energy technology, such as from solar and wind, is already widely used. Thanks to the widespread use of wind and solar farms, green electricity is thus becoming increasingly affordable. In Germany and many other countries, there are also subsidy programs for companies and private individuals that offer incentives for the installation of green power technologies.
  • Can every company source green electricity?
    There are several ways to benefit from green electricity. For example, companies can buy certificates that provide information about energy type, megawatts, and more.
  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Strom und Naturstrom von First Climate?
    Herkömmlicher Strom wird vorrangig durch die Verbrennung von Kohle, Gas und anderen fossilen Brennstoffen erzeugt. Im Gegensatz dazu stehen erneuerbare Energiequellen wie Sonne, Wasser oder Wind, die mithilfe entsprechender Technologien in Naturstrom umgewandelt werden. Der besondere Nutzen von Ökostrom liegt darin, dass bei seiner Gewinnung keine klimaschädlichen Treibhausgase erzeugt werden. Außerdem sind die Erzeuger nicht auf endliche Ressourcen wie Kohle und Öl angewiesen. Der Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien schafft auch in Zukunft Arbeitsplätze und kann damit die lokale Wirtschaft unterstützen. Denn die Erzeugung von Ökostrom erfolgt größtenteils standortnah für die eigene Region – so sieht zumindest die Idealvorstellung aus.
  • What are the benefits of green electricity for companies?
    Green electricity offers a number of advantages for companies, as it can help reduce a company's own impact on the environment. Because it is generated from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, it does not cause harmful emissions like conventional electricity from fossil fuels. As a result, green electricity can help your business reduce its environmental footprint and improve its public image. Another advantage of green electricity can be the cost factor. In many German regions, renewable energy is already cheaper than electricity from fossil fuels. This means that your company can save cash by switching to green power. Finally, green electricity can help your business become more sustainable. By using solar, wind, and the like, you can reduce your dependence on finite resources like oil and coal, and instead rely on cleaner, renewable energy sources. In this way, you actively contribute to reducing the negative impact on the environment in the long term and become more sustainable overall.
  • What does green electricity mean?
    Green electricity - also natural electricity or green power - is generally defined as electrical energy generated from renewable energy plants. There are various certificates, seals of approval and guarantees of origin to identify the individual electricity products as green electricity.
  • What are Science-Based Targets?
    According to scientific projections, we have a limited amount of CO2 emissions that can be emitted every second until we exceed the 1.5°C limit. Therefore, this amount must not be exceeded if the world wants to keep global warming within the limits defined by the Paris Climate Agreement. Companies can ideally support the global fight against climate change by aligning their climate protection measures and emission reduction targets with the remaining carbon balance. The Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) allows companies to set net zero targets based on the latest climate science to support achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. A “science-based target” is thus a science-based climate goal that sets a clearly defined path for companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and allows each company's "fair share" of the remaining carbon footprint to be determined as a sustainable alternative to a "business as usual" scenario.
  • Was ist ein FAQ-Abschnitt?
    Ein FAQ-Abschnitt beantwortet häufig gestellte Fragen zu deinem Unternehmen, z.B. „Wohin kann geliefert werden?“, „Was sind die Öffnungszeiten?“ oder „Wie buche ich eine Dienstleistung?“. Mit FAQ erleichterst du Besuchern die Navigation auf deiner Website und verbesserst gleichzeitig deine SEO.
  • Can the base year for scopes 1 and 2 targets deviate from the base year for the scope 3 target?
    Different base years may be used for the scope 1 and 2 targets and scope 3 target, however, we do not recommend it.
  • Can the base year deviate for the near-term and long-term targets?
    The base year should be consistent for the near- and long-term targets.
  • Which Scope 3 categories should be calculated and covered when developing SBTs?
    SBTi requires companies to carry out a full scope 3 screening to identify all its relevant value chain emission sources. Depending on in which industry your company operates, the emissions profile in scope 3 categories varies widely. First Climate can support you in carrying out a qualitative scope 3 screening and support you in figuring out which categories to cover in your scope 3 target.
  • Does my company need to set a scope 3 target?
    A scope 3 target must be set for all companies whose scope 3 emissions make up 40% or more of the overall emissions of the company’s corporate carbon footprint.
  • Can my company use carbon credits to meet annual reduction targets, ahead of reaching net zero?
    Carbon credits cannot be accounted toward meeting your science-based decarbonization targets. The purchase of carbon credits is an option for companies to finance additional emission reductions or removals beyond their value chain. The SBTi refers to these purchases as Beyond Value Chain Interventions.
  • Do energy certificates count towards SBTi?
    Companies may use Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) as a measure to reduce scope 2 market-based emissions.
  • What types of green energy are there?
    Renewable energy sources that produce so-called green energy include wind energy, hydropower, solar energy, geothermal energy and biomass.
  • How does green energy work?
    Green energy comes from sustainable or renewable energy sources. This means that, in contrast to fossil fuels, this resource is not depleted. It is important for a sustainable energy supply to combine different renewable energy sources so that the demand for electricity can be met at all times.
  • Why should companies switch to green energy?
    There are several reasons why green energy makes sense for companies. One of the most important is effective climate action, which is becoming increasingly important to both clients and investors. Additional reasons include the decrease in raw material imports and thus, a reduction in dependency, more diversity in power generation and functioning competition. In addition, green energy is seen as an engine of innovation that drives the development of technologies and creates new jobs.
  • How can I find out more about the start date of a posted job?
    Unless otherwise stated in the job description, we prefer if you start at the earliest possible date. Start dates are typically the 1st or 15th of a given month.
  • Can I apply to multiple open positions?
    Yes, but in order to ensure quick and uncomplicated processing, please apply for each position separately. Please make sure to submit a complete application for each position.
  • How long does the application process take?
    The length of the application process is individual and not always the same.We will provide you with feedback as quickly as possible.
  • Build a Partnership
    If your project is eligible, we will reach out to you with an offer for a partnership agreement. Together, we will define cornerstones like pricing, volumes, and a delivery plan and sign a Carbon Removal Purchase Agreement.
  • Project Registration
    Time to register your project at a carbon standard! At First Climate, we select the carbon standard that best fits your project and take care of all necessary registration steps, such as creating the Project Design Document and managing the validation process.
  • Carbon Removal Credits
    Once your project is registered, we handle the full cycle of carbon credit issuance, marketing, sale, and retirement. Thanks to our wide and global network of partners and clients, you benefit from the highest quality carbon credit management.
  • Eligibility Check
    Not sure if your project is a good fit for carbon credits? Use our online tool to check your project’s eligibility for a carbon standard or to get in touch with us. Just enter your project’s key information!
  • Monitoring and Reporting
    For continuous successful issuance of credits and transparency for our clients, we ensure that your project continually undergoes rigorous monitoring and reporting. This step is crucial to keeping track of the updates or progress of the project metrics, ensuring project quality and guaranteeing long-term revenue streams for your project.
  • How long does the project development process take?
    The project development process can take between 1 ½ to 2 years. We will be your partner after that too, continuously monitoring the project after the development phase is complete. 
  • Why should my company develop a project when it could support an already existing project?
    Choosing to support an existing project or developing a new project depends ultimately on your organization’s long-term climate strategy and goals. However, investing in an early-stage project enables your company to get involved in all important decisions to determine the future development of the project and gives you full access in every respect. It can also showcase your company’s commitment to climate action in the long-term, not just the short-term. If supporting an existing project fits your company’s needs right now, you can explore our portfolio here!
  • Mehr Erfahren
    Klimaschutzprojekte, die die Qualitätsanforderungen für den freiwilligen CO2-Markt erfüllen, werden nach international anerkannten Standards zertifiziert und die erzielten Emissionseinsparungen bzw. die erzielte Senkenleistung durch unabhängige Prüfinstitute bestätigt. Entsprechend anerkannte Projekte können für jede von ihnen nachweislich eingesparte Tonne CO2 einen Emissionsminderungs- oder CO2-Senkennachweis ausgeben, der dann über den freiwilligen CO2-Markt gehandelt und von Unternehmen erworben werden kann. CO2-Zertifikate ermöglichen es deshalb, ausgewählte Klimaschutzmaßnahmen gezielt zu fördern. Emissionen aus dem Geschäftsbetrieb lassen sich dadurch nicht verhindern; das Verfahren ermöglicht es aber, Finanzmittel zu generieren und in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer zu transferieren, wo mit jedem Euro viel größere Emissionseinsparungen erzielt werden können als in Europa. Indem Ihr Unternehmen CO2-Zertifikate erwirbt, schaffen Sie wirtschaftliche Anreize für die Entwicklung von Emissionsminderungs- und Senkenprojekten, die ohne Ihr Engagement und die entsprechende Förderung nicht umsetzbar wären.
  • Carbon credits support climate technology innovation:
    The natural carbon storage capabilities of biochar, an innovation promoted by First Climate, is an excellent example of such technologies. The development and increasing usage of similar carbon sink technologies are important instruments to proactively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and therefore, they have a significant role in climate action. Without the support made possible by the voluntary carbon market, the further development of such promising, innovative climate action technologies would not be financially viable.
  • Carbon credits promote sustainable development
    The latest IPCC Climate Report underscores the urgent need for sufficient financing to tackle the climate crisis decisively. Unfortunately, however, there is still a wide gap in climate financing and there is still a lack of much needed investments for the transformation to increased sustainable development. The voluntary carbon market can help generate revenue and support communities in the Global South to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Investment, technology transfer and employment opportunities also enable economic growth and active poverty reduction. In this way, carbon credits not only contribute to climate mitigation, but also support other environmental and socio-economic concerns.
  • Carbon credits are incentives for additional emission reductions:
    By purchasing emission reduction certificates or carbon sink credits, companies effectively put an internal price on carbon, and  thus, create financial incentives to find additional ways to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in their operations and supply chain. In this way, the internal carbon price makes it easier for business, for example, to invest in cleaner technologies and sustainable practices to reduce emissions and meet reduction targets.
  • Carbon credits enable additional climate action
    It has been proven in numerous studies that companies which purchase emission credits are more committed to implementing emission reductions in their own operations than their corporate peers which do not make similar investments. Carbon credits thus function as an added measure, not an alternative. A recent evaluation by Trove Research concludes that companies that invested in carbon credits reduced their Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions simultaneously by 6.2% per year. In contrast, companies that did not purchase credits reduced their operational emissions by only 3.4% per year.
  • Klemens, what is the concept behind VIRIDAD?
    At VIRIDAD, our mission is to drive the sustainable transformation of the economic system with innovative solutions and services. We have set ourselves the goal of helping companies achieve sustainable success in a rapidly changing environment. How do we do this? By providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to keep pace with the challenges and dynamics of ESG reporting.
  • What makes VIRIDAD unique?
    With our partner First Climate, we offer clients a cloud-based digital platform that, thanks to standardized processes and intuitive interfaces, is not only secure and easy to use, but also saves time. We combine our technical and regulatory expertise to support our clients with comprehensive data management solutions and consulting expertise in fulfilling their reporting obligations under the EU Taxonomy and efficiently mastering the challenges of ESG reporting.
  • What benefits do clients get from First Climate and VIRIDAD’s partnership?
    Building on our existing platform, we will develop our digital solutions incrementally and scale up our services. Our partnership with First Climate gives us the capacity to take the next important step and collectively create added value for companies in the implementation of their climate and sustainability strategies. Through our collaboration with First Climate, companies benefit from an all-in-one solution for their corporate climate journey.

Scope 3 Inventory And Target Coverage

  • How do I claim the green attribute of the energy generated when I have a PPA with a renewable energy facility?
    When procuring renewable energy with a green PPA it is of utmost importance to also include the underlying Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) in the contract. EACs are the only way to credibly connect the megawatt hours (MWh) of energy produced by a solar or wind farm to the energy consumed by a corporate customer. First Climate can support and advise on finding the right contractual model to procure green energy credibly and sustainably from a renewable energy asset.
  • How much does a PPA cost?
    PPA costs and pricing are constantly changing on the market and depend on various factors such as current supply and energy source. Solar energy PPA costs for example, are different than wind energy PPA costs. Because PPA contracts are inherently complex, there is a wide variety of pricing structures available. First Climate provides support to companies to find the most suitable PPA pricing and achieve renewable energy targets.
  • Do I need a PPA to have 100% renewable energy supply ?
    The short answer is “no”. The long one must be “no, but…”. Besides the procurement of EACs, which when adhering to a certain set of criteria, are also an instrument for renewable energy procurement recognized by most major sustainability reporting standards, PPAs can be an additional way to implement renewable energy to your power procurement. Depending on your overall energy demand, PPAs can be an integral part to your (green) energy procurement strategy, since they not only ensure renewable energy procurement but also provide long-term price stability. An integrated green energy procurement strategy usually consists of several pillars which also can include self-generation to strike the balance between energy security, economics, and sustainability reporting requirements.
  • How do I determine the right renewable technology and the right energy volume for a PPA?
    To determine the right size as well as the best suited technology of a PPA it is mandatory to evaluate the load profile to minimize oversupply of renewable energy. Since every load profile has its unique characteristics our PPA Experts analyze this data and match it to simulated generation profiles of wind and solar farms. Once the appropriate PPA-volume as well as the best fitting technology (or a combination of technologies) is defined, First Climate supports its corporate clients to conduct a Request for Proposals (RFP) to obtain PPA-offers, including modelled generation profiles of planned wind and solar projects to assess and identify the most suitable generation facility to conduct a PPA with.
  • Are PPAs recognized by sustainability reporting standards as a renewable energy procurement option to reduce Scope 2 emissions?
    First Climate works closely with global sustainability reporting standards, such as the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), CDP and the RE100 initiative to ensure that our clients not only measure their Scope 2 emissions in line with these standards, but also that the green energy procurement meets their defined criteria. PPAs, especially those concluded with newly constructed wind and solar assets, fulfill these criteria. PPAs show a high level of commitment to supporting the development of new renewable energy projects, ensuring additionality. They also provide significant price security. To connect the consumption of renewable energy to its generation, EACs need to be included in the energy supply contract.
  • Virtual PPAs
    In contrast to a physical PPA, virtual PPAs are purely financial contracts that do not include any physical power delivery or transmission fees. This is why they are sometimes referred to as synthetic or financial PPAs. The aim of a virtual PPA is to generate similar economic effects for both the supplier and the buyer as with a physical PPA contract, even if they do not have shared access to the same network. The underlying structure is often a Contract for Difference.
  • Physical PPAs
    There are different types of physical PPAs, from on-site to off-site. In both cases, parties agree on a fixed amount of electricity to be sold and delivered through the PPA. An on-site PPA usually secures a direct physical supply of electricity. With an off-site PPA, the company agrees to purchase a physical amount of electricity specified in the PPA and produced either by a specific project or a portfolio of projects. The electricity from the renewable energy facility is not supplied to the company via a direct wire, but into the public grid.
  • Are carbon footprints for companies regulated by law?
    In many countries there are legal regulations and obligations to report greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon accounting helps companies to comply with these regulations and minimize legal risks.
  • How often should a company conduct a carbon footprint assessment?
    The frequency of carbon accounting varies depending on company size, sector and objectives. Many companies carry it out annually. Our recommendation is to do it annually to have up-to-date data and track emissions progress. Changes in the activities or infrastructure of the value chain may also require additional assessments. Legal requirements should also be observed, such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in the EU.
  • What standards or guidelines are there for carbon accounting?
    Carbon accounting is carried out in accordance with international standards such as ISO 14064 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol). These standards define the process for measuring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, national and regional government guidelines may apply. The choice of the appropriate framework depends on various factors, including company size, industry and objectives. Companies often use a combination of these standards and guidelines to achieve consistent and comparable results and meet sustainability targets.
  • What data is needed for carbon accounting?
    Carbon accounting requires various data to quantify greenhouse gas emissions. This includes energy consumption information, fuel consumption, production data, emission factors, transportation and travel data, information on purchased goods and services, waste and wastewater data, building information and information on CO2 reduction measures. The exact requirements vary depending on company goals and standards. Accurate data collection is crucial for accurate carbon footprints and the identification of emission reduction opportunities.
  • What are the most common challenges in carbon accounting?
    Carbon accounting can present several challenges, including data collection and quality, the complexity of selecting and applying emission factors, data verification, resource constraints for smaller companies and changes in business operations. Different legislation and stakeholder expectations can also pose challenges. Overcoming these requires careful planning, staff training and the use of best practice - ideally accompanied by carbon footprint consulting. Continuous improvement of accounting processes is critical to producing accurate and reliable carbon footprints and minimizing environmental impact.
  • What advantages do I have with First Climate's CDP Reporting services?
    First Climate’s sustainability consultants work closely with clients to determine goals and a complementary strategy, conduct gap analyses to identify potential areas for increased climate action, create opportunity and risk profiles, analyze hotspots and emission sources, and prepare a final report. First Climate’s expertise and solutions for renewable energy and science-based targets specifically gives its clients an edge when disclosing through CDP. In addition to this, First Climate and CDP will continue to offer joint online seminars on essential topics throughout the year.
  • What are the advantages of disclosing with CDP?
    By measuring environmental and climate risks, hidden costs are uncovered in many cases, which can save companies thousands of dollars. The reduced dependence on limited resources and the exchange of innovations are further advantages that the project can offer. CDP provides a sound basis for decision-making based on valid data. This is because environmental influences are also considered on a large scale and the impact of environmental policy measures is precisely evaluated. In this way, CDP can be used to promote ecological concepts and green growth. Last but not least, the publicly available information can also be used as a stimulus for new regulations in environmental protection or give the reporting organizations the opportunity to learn from each other.
  • How does CDP work?
    The CDP reporting process consists of three main steps that can be applied to all participants: As part of CDP, companies, cities and countries are asked to submit valid data on their respective environmental impact. This can, for example, relate to the use of resources such as water or surveys on self-caused greenhouse gas emissions. The data is collected using standardized questionnaires on a voluntary basis. CDP employees check the information and analyze the influencing factors. They then derive suggestions for improvement. All data is then published so that it is accessible to everyone free of charge.
  • How can I improve my CDP Score?
    Among other things, you can set science-based targets, define a detailed climate strategy and reduce emissions in all areas (Scopes 1, 2 and 3). For the best CDP score results, it is recommended to work with a CDP Accredited Solutions Provider. As a silver CDP renewable energy and science-based targets solutions provider in the DACH region, First Climate can help you to complete your CDP report and optimize your company's CDP score.
  • What is the difference between offsetting and insetting?
    The term "offsetting" describes the compensation of unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions by supporting external climate projects. Insetting, on the other hand, refers to an emission reduction project directly along a company's own value chain. This minimizes climate risks in the value chain. For example, insetting projects can include using sustainable soil and land-use techniques or the implementation of agroforestry programs.
  • Does an insetting project fit into my company's climate strategy?
    In principle, companies with long or complex supply chains have a high emission reduction potential with an insetting project. If your company's carbon footprint shows a Scope 3 hotspot, an insetting project could be a good choice. ​The best way to find out if an insetting project is right for you is to work closely with First Climate. Together we can conduct an initial consultation and scoping study to identify priority areas for Scope 3 measures in your value chain.
  • Are there any cons to carbon insetting?
    Carbon insetting is a very good instrument for effective corporate climate action climate. The following factors generally play an important role in the implementation of insetting projects and must be examined individually during project development: Time: An insetting project must be tailored specifically to a company's value chain. Ensuring the quality and efficiency of project development requires great care, which makes the development process correspondingly time-consuming. A realistic estimate places the project development between one year and several years. In return, companies receive a tailor-made climate project with maximum efficiency, measurable climate benefits and direct opportunities to influence its development. Costs: Developing your own climate project always involves investment. However, in addition to reducing Scope 3 emissions, investments in our own value chain can pay off in the future, e.g. through more resilient value chains and improved supply security.
  • Wo werden Aufforstungsprojekte durchgeführt?
    Die Aufforstung erfolgt auf Flächen, die seit langem stark degradiert sind, oft durch Abholzung oder Landwirtschaft. Aufforstungsprojekte können weltweit durchgeführt werden, abhängig von den Bedürfnissen und Zielen des Unternehmens. Es gibt Projekte in verschiedenen Ländern und Regionen, die unterschiedliche ökologische Herausforderungen angehen. Die Wahl des Standorts kann auch mit der Verbindung zum eigenen Unternehmen oder der Kundenbasis in Einklang gebracht werden.
  • Wie lange dauert es, bis Aufforstungsprojekte positive Auswirkungen zeigen?
    Die nachhaltige Wirkung von (Wieder-)Aufforstungen ist langfristig angelegt. Es dauert mehrere Jahre, bis die gepflanzten Bäume heranwachsen und ihre volle ökologische Funktion erfüllen. Unternehmen sollten solche Projekte deshalb als langfristige Investition betrachten, die über die Jahre hinweg positive Auswirkungen haben wird.
  • Carbon Footprint - what is it?
    The carbon footprint describes how many greenhouse gases are released during an action, activity, or process.
  • How can a carbon footprint be reduced?
    There are various options for this as part of an individual climate strategy. For example, the purchase of green electricity certificates of origin or the development of a climate protection project along your value chain is conceivable.
  • What emissions are included in a carbon footprint?
    Contrary to what the term suggests, carbon dioxide is not the only emission taken into account when calculating a carbon footprint. Other greenhouse gases, such as methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexaflouride, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and nitrogen trifluoride are also included.
  • Why are some REDD+ projects criticized and what’s First Climate’s position?
    Recently, there have been criticisms from newspapers and other stakeholders alleging that REDD+ projects verified by VERRA do not fully deliver on their claimed climate impact. As a result, projects could overestimate the deforestation rate of what’s known as the “baseline scenario”, or the assumed development of the forest’s state without the project. In this sense, the alleged “baseline inflation” could lead to a project issuing more carbon credits than justified. Climate projects in the area of forestry conservation can be particularly challenging due to their complexity regarding implementation and verification. While it can therefore not be ruled out with certainty that baselines might have been overestimated in the past, First Climate deems the methods and certification procedures applied by the VERRA standard as sound and valid. First Climate welcomes the reporting and the debate it encourages as a vital component of the ongoing advancement of the REDD+ methodologies in the voluntary carbon market. In this sense, we also acknowledge VERRA’s ongoing efforts to further refine their respective methodologies. However, it is important not to lose sight of the bigger picture. We are in dire need of accelerated global climate action and forest protection is one of the most important pillars. REDD+ projects can play a key role in achieving the climate goals set by the Paris Agreement.
  • What is the aim of REDD+ Projects?
    REDD+ is a mechanism developed by the UN to help countries in the Global South conserve their forests. Through financial incentives, REDD+ promotes forest conservation, helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and supports economic diversification without clearing the forest.
  • What are the benefits of forest conservation and REDD+ projects?
    Forest conservation and REDD+ projects reduce greenhouse gas emissions by storing carbon, protect biodiversity by conserving forests, and improve the living conditions of local people by creating jobs and income.
  • How are forest conservation and REDD+ projects implemented?
    The implementation of these projects requires careful planning and collaboration with local communities. They go through several phases, including planning, implementation, and evaluation, to ensure that project objectives are achieved and the rights and needs of the local population are taken into account.
  • What are Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs)?
    The aim of Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) is to provide information about the quantity and origin of electricity from renewable energy sources. However, this does not assess the ecological quality of the energy production.
  • Who can use Energy Attribute Certificates?
    Energy Attribute Certificates are particularly interesting for electricity producers who generate energy from renewable sources that are not subsidized by the EEG. These can be, for example, operators of mixed combustion plants (e.g. waste-to-energy plants) who want to market green electricity. Likewise, wind power and solar energy plants and pumped storage power plants that feed renewable or biogenic electricity into the grid can be registered in the guarantees of origin register.
  • Who issues energy attribute certificates?
    Electricity producers in Germany can obtain Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) from the Federal Environment Agency for the amount of electricity they produce from renewable sources and feed into the grid, insofar as it is not subsidized under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).
  • What are the benefits of guarantees of origin for green electricity?
    Electricity producers have the option of voluntarily participating in the register of guarantees of origin and selling their guarantees of origin to energy supply companies - regardless of the origin of the electricity. This enables additional financial profits for the generator and a positive effect on their own image, as customers and investors are placing increasing value on green power generation.
  • Is green electricity more expensive than normal electricity?
    In Germany, green electricity is on average no more expensive than electricity generated from fossil resources. In some cases, more favorable price for green energy compared to basic tarifs. One reason for this is that renewable energy technology, such as from solar and wind, is already widely used. Thanks to the widespread use of wind and solar farms, green electricity is thus becoming increasingly affordable. In Germany and many other countries, there are also subsidy programs for companies and private individuals that offer incentives for the installation of green power technologies.
  • Can every company source green electricity?
    There are several ways to benefit from green electricity. For example, companies can buy certificates that provide information about energy type, megawatts, and more.
  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Strom und Naturstrom von First Climate?
    Herkömmlicher Strom wird vorrangig durch die Verbrennung von Kohle, Gas und anderen fossilen Brennstoffen erzeugt. Im Gegensatz dazu stehen erneuerbare Energiequellen wie Sonne, Wasser oder Wind, die mithilfe entsprechender Technologien in Naturstrom umgewandelt werden. Der besondere Nutzen von Ökostrom liegt darin, dass bei seiner Gewinnung keine klimaschädlichen Treibhausgase erzeugt werden. Außerdem sind die Erzeuger nicht auf endliche Ressourcen wie Kohle und Öl angewiesen. Der Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien schafft auch in Zukunft Arbeitsplätze und kann damit die lokale Wirtschaft unterstützen. Denn die Erzeugung von Ökostrom erfolgt größtenteils standortnah für die eigene Region – so sieht zumindest die Idealvorstellung aus.
  • What are the benefits of green electricity for companies?
    Green electricity offers a number of advantages for companies, as it can help reduce a company's own impact on the environment. Because it is generated from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, it does not cause harmful emissions like conventional electricity from fossil fuels. As a result, green electricity can help your business reduce its environmental footprint and improve its public image. Another advantage of green electricity can be the cost factor. In many German regions, renewable energy is already cheaper than electricity from fossil fuels. This means that your company can save cash by switching to green power. Finally, green electricity can help your business become more sustainable. By using solar, wind, and the like, you can reduce your dependence on finite resources like oil and coal, and instead rely on cleaner, renewable energy sources. In this way, you actively contribute to reducing the negative impact on the environment in the long term and become more sustainable overall.
  • What does green electricity mean?
    Green electricity - also natural electricity or green power - is generally defined as electrical energy generated from renewable energy plants. There are various certificates, seals of approval and guarantees of origin to identify the individual electricity products as green electricity.
  • What are Science-Based Targets?
    According to scientific projections, we have a limited amount of CO2 emissions that can be emitted every second until we exceed the 1.5°C limit. Therefore, this amount must not be exceeded if the world wants to keep global warming within the limits defined by the Paris Climate Agreement. Companies can ideally support the global fight against climate change by aligning their climate protection measures and emission reduction targets with the remaining carbon balance. The Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) allows companies to set net zero targets based on the latest climate science to support achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. A “science-based target” is thus a science-based climate goal that sets a clearly defined path for companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and allows each company's "fair share" of the remaining carbon footprint to be determined as a sustainable alternative to a "business as usual" scenario.
  • Was ist ein FAQ-Abschnitt?
    Ein FAQ-Abschnitt beantwortet häufig gestellte Fragen zu deinem Unternehmen, z.B. „Wohin kann geliefert werden?“, „Was sind die Öffnungszeiten?“ oder „Wie buche ich eine Dienstleistung?“. Mit FAQ erleichterst du Besuchern die Navigation auf deiner Website und verbesserst gleichzeitig deine SEO.
  • Can the base year for scopes 1 and 2 targets deviate from the base year for the scope 3 target?
    Different base years may be used for the scope 1 and 2 targets and scope 3 target, however, we do not recommend it.
  • Can the base year deviate for the near-term and long-term targets?
    The base year should be consistent for the near- and long-term targets.
  • Which Scope 3 categories should be calculated and covered when developing SBTs?
    SBTi requires companies to carry out a full scope 3 screening to identify all its relevant value chain emission sources. Depending on in which industry your company operates, the emissions profile in scope 3 categories varies widely. First Climate can support you in carrying out a qualitative scope 3 screening and support you in figuring out which categories to cover in your scope 3 target.
  • Does my company need to set a scope 3 target?
    A scope 3 target must be set for all companies whose scope 3 emissions make up 40% or more of the overall emissions of the company’s corporate carbon footprint.
  • Can my company use carbon credits to meet annual reduction targets, ahead of reaching net zero?
    Carbon credits cannot be accounted toward meeting your science-based decarbonization targets. The purchase of carbon credits is an option for companies to finance additional emission reductions or removals beyond their value chain. The SBTi refers to these purchases as Beyond Value Chain Interventions.
  • Do energy certificates count towards SBTi?
    Companies may use Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) as a measure to reduce scope 2 market-based emissions.
  • What types of green energy are there?
    Renewable energy sources that produce so-called green energy include wind energy, hydropower, solar energy, geothermal energy and biomass.
  • How does green energy work?
    Green energy comes from sustainable or renewable energy sources. This means that, in contrast to fossil fuels, this resource is not depleted. It is important for a sustainable energy supply to combine different renewable energy sources so that the demand for electricity can be met at all times.
  • Why should companies switch to green energy?
    There are several reasons why green energy makes sense for companies. One of the most important is effective climate action, which is becoming increasingly important to both clients and investors. Additional reasons include the decrease in raw material imports and thus, a reduction in dependency, more diversity in power generation and functioning competition. In addition, green energy is seen as an engine of innovation that drives the development of technologies and creates new jobs.
  • How can I find out more about the start date of a posted job?
    Unless otherwise stated in the job description, we prefer if you start at the earliest possible date. Start dates are typically the 1st or 15th of a given month.
  • Can I apply to multiple open positions?
    Yes, but in order to ensure quick and uncomplicated processing, please apply for each position separately. Please make sure to submit a complete application for each position.
  • How long does the application process take?
    The length of the application process is individual and not always the same.We will provide you with feedback as quickly as possible.
  • Build a Partnership
    If your project is eligible, we will reach out to you with an offer for a partnership agreement. Together, we will define cornerstones like pricing, volumes, and a delivery plan and sign a Carbon Removal Purchase Agreement.
  • Project Registration
    Time to register your project at a carbon standard! At First Climate, we select the carbon standard that best fits your project and take care of all necessary registration steps, such as creating the Project Design Document and managing the validation process.
  • Carbon Removal Credits
    Once your project is registered, we handle the full cycle of carbon credit issuance, marketing, sale, and retirement. Thanks to our wide and global network of partners and clients, you benefit from the highest quality carbon credit management.
  • Eligibility Check
    Not sure if your project is a good fit for carbon credits? Use our online tool to check your project’s eligibility for a carbon standard or to get in touch with us. Just enter your project’s key information!
  • Monitoring and Reporting
    For continuous successful issuance of credits and transparency for our clients, we ensure that your project continually undergoes rigorous monitoring and reporting. This step is crucial to keeping track of the updates or progress of the project metrics, ensuring project quality and guaranteeing long-term revenue streams for your project.
  • How long does the project development process take?
    The project development process can take between 1 ½ to 2 years. We will be your partner after that too, continuously monitoring the project after the development phase is complete. 
  • Why should my company develop a project when it could support an already existing project?
    Choosing to support an existing project or developing a new project depends ultimately on your organization’s long-term climate strategy and goals. However, investing in an early-stage project enables your company to get involved in all important decisions to determine the future development of the project and gives you full access in every respect. It can also showcase your company’s commitment to climate action in the long-term, not just the short-term. If supporting an existing project fits your company’s needs right now, you can explore our portfolio here!
  • Mehr Erfahren
    Klimaschutzprojekte, die die Qualitätsanforderungen für den freiwilligen CO2-Markt erfüllen, werden nach international anerkannten Standards zertifiziert und die erzielten Emissionseinsparungen bzw. die erzielte Senkenleistung durch unabhängige Prüfinstitute bestätigt. Entsprechend anerkannte Projekte können für jede von ihnen nachweislich eingesparte Tonne CO2 einen Emissionsminderungs- oder CO2-Senkennachweis ausgeben, der dann über den freiwilligen CO2-Markt gehandelt und von Unternehmen erworben werden kann. CO2-Zertifikate ermöglichen es deshalb, ausgewählte Klimaschutzmaßnahmen gezielt zu fördern. Emissionen aus dem Geschäftsbetrieb lassen sich dadurch nicht verhindern; das Verfahren ermöglicht es aber, Finanzmittel zu generieren und in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer zu transferieren, wo mit jedem Euro viel größere Emissionseinsparungen erzielt werden können als in Europa. Indem Ihr Unternehmen CO2-Zertifikate erwirbt, schaffen Sie wirtschaftliche Anreize für die Entwicklung von Emissionsminderungs- und Senkenprojekten, die ohne Ihr Engagement und die entsprechende Förderung nicht umsetzbar wären.
  • Carbon credits support climate technology innovation:
    The natural carbon storage capabilities of biochar, an innovation promoted by First Climate, is an excellent example of such technologies. The development and increasing usage of similar carbon sink technologies are important instruments to proactively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and therefore, they have a significant role in climate action. Without the support made possible by the voluntary carbon market, the further development of such promising, innovative climate action technologies would not be financially viable.
  • Carbon credits promote sustainable development
    The latest IPCC Climate Report underscores the urgent need for sufficient financing to tackle the climate crisis decisively. Unfortunately, however, there is still a wide gap in climate financing and there is still a lack of much needed investments for the transformation to increased sustainable development. The voluntary carbon market can help generate revenue and support communities in the Global South to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Investment, technology transfer and employment opportunities also enable economic growth and active poverty reduction. In this way, carbon credits not only contribute to climate mitigation, but also support other environmental and socio-economic concerns.
  • Carbon credits are incentives for additional emission reductions:
    By purchasing emission reduction certificates or carbon sink credits, companies effectively put an internal price on carbon, and  thus, create financial incentives to find additional ways to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in their operations and supply chain. In this way, the internal carbon price makes it easier for business, for example, to invest in cleaner technologies and sustainable practices to reduce emissions and meet reduction targets.
  • Carbon credits enable additional climate action
    It has been proven in numerous studies that companies which purchase emission credits are more committed to implementing emission reductions in their own operations than their corporate peers which do not make similar investments. Carbon credits thus function as an added measure, not an alternative. A recent evaluation by Trove Research concludes that companies that invested in carbon credits reduced their Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions simultaneously by 6.2% per year. In contrast, companies that did not purchase credits reduced their operational emissions by only 3.4% per year.
  • Klemens, what is the concept behind VIRIDAD?
    At VIRIDAD, our mission is to drive the sustainable transformation of the economic system with innovative solutions and services. We have set ourselves the goal of helping companies achieve sustainable success in a rapidly changing environment. How do we do this? By providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to keep pace with the challenges and dynamics of ESG reporting.
  • What makes VIRIDAD unique?
    With our partner First Climate, we offer clients a cloud-based digital platform that, thanks to standardized processes and intuitive interfaces, is not only secure and easy to use, but also saves time. We combine our technical and regulatory expertise to support our clients with comprehensive data management solutions and consulting expertise in fulfilling their reporting obligations under the EU Taxonomy and efficiently mastering the challenges of ESG reporting.
  • What benefits do clients get from First Climate and VIRIDAD’s partnership?
    Building on our existing platform, we will develop our digital solutions incrementally and scale up our services. Our partnership with First Climate gives us the capacity to take the next important step and collectively create added value for companies in the implementation of their climate and sustainability strategies. Through our collaboration with First Climate, companies benefit from an all-in-one solution for their corporate climate journey.

After Setting A Science-Based Target

Carbon Credits

  • How do I claim the green attribute of the energy generated when I have a PPA with a renewable energy facility?
    When procuring renewable energy with a green PPA it is of utmost importance to also include the underlying Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) in the contract. EACs are the only way to credibly connect the megawatt hours (MWh) of energy produced by a solar or wind farm to the energy consumed by a corporate customer. First Climate can support and advise on finding the right contractual model to procure green energy credibly and sustainably from a renewable energy asset.
  • How much does a PPA cost?
    PPA costs and pricing are constantly changing on the market and depend on various factors such as current supply and energy source. Solar energy PPA costs for example, are different than wind energy PPA costs. Because PPA contracts are inherently complex, there is a wide variety of pricing structures available. First Climate provides support to companies to find the most suitable PPA pricing and achieve renewable energy targets.
  • Do I need a PPA to have 100% renewable energy supply ?
    The short answer is “no”. The long one must be “no, but…”. Besides the procurement of EACs, which when adhering to a certain set of criteria, are also an instrument for renewable energy procurement recognized by most major sustainability reporting standards, PPAs can be an additional way to implement renewable energy to your power procurement. Depending on your overall energy demand, PPAs can be an integral part to your (green) energy procurement strategy, since they not only ensure renewable energy procurement but also provide long-term price stability. An integrated green energy procurement strategy usually consists of several pillars which also can include self-generation to strike the balance between energy security, economics, and sustainability reporting requirements.
  • How do I determine the right renewable technology and the right energy volume for a PPA?
    To determine the right size as well as the best suited technology of a PPA it is mandatory to evaluate the load profile to minimize oversupply of renewable energy. Since every load profile has its unique characteristics our PPA Experts analyze this data and match it to simulated generation profiles of wind and solar farms. Once the appropriate PPA-volume as well as the best fitting technology (or a combination of technologies) is defined, First Climate supports its corporate clients to conduct a Request for Proposals (RFP) to obtain PPA-offers, including modelled generation profiles of planned wind and solar projects to assess and identify the most suitable generation facility to conduct a PPA with.
  • Are PPAs recognized by sustainability reporting standards as a renewable energy procurement option to reduce Scope 2 emissions?
    First Climate works closely with global sustainability reporting standards, such as the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), CDP and the RE100 initiative to ensure that our clients not only measure their Scope 2 emissions in line with these standards, but also that the green energy procurement meets their defined criteria. PPAs, especially those concluded with newly constructed wind and solar assets, fulfill these criteria. PPAs show a high level of commitment to supporting the development of new renewable energy projects, ensuring additionality. They also provide significant price security. To connect the consumption of renewable energy to its generation, EACs need to be included in the energy supply contract.
  • Virtual PPAs
    In contrast to a physical PPA, virtual PPAs are purely financial contracts that do not include any physical power delivery or transmission fees. This is why they are sometimes referred to as synthetic or financial PPAs. The aim of a virtual PPA is to generate similar economic effects for both the supplier and the buyer as with a physical PPA contract, even if they do not have shared access to the same network. The underlying structure is often a Contract for Difference.
  • Physical PPAs
    There are different types of physical PPAs, from on-site to off-site. In both cases, parties agree on a fixed amount of electricity to be sold and delivered through the PPA. An on-site PPA usually secures a direct physical supply of electricity. With an off-site PPA, the company agrees to purchase a physical amount of electricity specified in the PPA and produced either by a specific project or a portfolio of projects. The electricity from the renewable energy facility is not supplied to the company via a direct wire, but into the public grid.
  • Are carbon footprints for companies regulated by law?
    In many countries there are legal regulations and obligations to report greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon accounting helps companies to comply with these regulations and minimize legal risks.
  • How often should a company conduct a carbon footprint assessment?
    The frequency of carbon accounting varies depending on company size, sector and objectives. Many companies carry it out annually. Our recommendation is to do it annually to have up-to-date data and track emissions progress. Changes in the activities or infrastructure of the value chain may also require additional assessments. Legal requirements should also be observed, such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in the EU.
  • What standards or guidelines are there for carbon accounting?
    Carbon accounting is carried out in accordance with international standards such as ISO 14064 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol). These standards define the process for measuring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, national and regional government guidelines may apply. The choice of the appropriate framework depends on various factors, including company size, industry and objectives. Companies often use a combination of these standards and guidelines to achieve consistent and comparable results and meet sustainability targets.
  • What data is needed for carbon accounting?
    Carbon accounting requires various data to quantify greenhouse gas emissions. This includes energy consumption information, fuel consumption, production data, emission factors, transportation and travel data, information on purchased goods and services, waste and wastewater data, building information and information on CO2 reduction measures. The exact requirements vary depending on company goals and standards. Accurate data collection is crucial for accurate carbon footprints and the identification of emission reduction opportunities.
  • What are the most common challenges in carbon accounting?
    Carbon accounting can present several challenges, including data collection and quality, the complexity of selecting and applying emission factors, data verification, resource constraints for smaller companies and changes in business operations. Different legislation and stakeholder expectations can also pose challenges. Overcoming these requires careful planning, staff training and the use of best practice - ideally accompanied by carbon footprint consulting. Continuous improvement of accounting processes is critical to producing accurate and reliable carbon footprints and minimizing environmental impact.
  • What advantages do I have with First Climate's CDP Reporting services?
    First Climate’s sustainability consultants work closely with clients to determine goals and a complementary strategy, conduct gap analyses to identify potential areas for increased climate action, create opportunity and risk profiles, analyze hotspots and emission sources, and prepare a final report. First Climate’s expertise and solutions for renewable energy and science-based targets specifically gives its clients an edge when disclosing through CDP. In addition to this, First Climate and CDP will continue to offer joint online seminars on essential topics throughout the year.
  • What are the advantages of disclosing with CDP?
    By measuring environmental and climate risks, hidden costs are uncovered in many cases, which can save companies thousands of dollars. The reduced dependence on limited resources and the exchange of innovations are further advantages that the project can offer. CDP provides a sound basis for decision-making based on valid data. This is because environmental influences are also considered on a large scale and the impact of environmental policy measures is precisely evaluated. In this way, CDP can be used to promote ecological concepts and green growth. Last but not least, the publicly available information can also be used as a stimulus for new regulations in environmental protection or give the reporting organizations the opportunity to learn from each other.
  • How does CDP work?
    The CDP reporting process consists of three main steps that can be applied to all participants: As part of CDP, companies, cities and countries are asked to submit valid data on their respective environmental impact. This can, for example, relate to the use of resources such as water or surveys on self-caused greenhouse gas emissions. The data is collected using standardized questionnaires on a voluntary basis. CDP employees check the information and analyze the influencing factors. They then derive suggestions for improvement. All data is then published so that it is accessible to everyone free of charge.
  • How can I improve my CDP Score?
    Among other things, you can set science-based targets, define a detailed climate strategy and reduce emissions in all areas (Scopes 1, 2 and 3). For the best CDP score results, it is recommended to work with a CDP Accredited Solutions Provider. As a silver CDP renewable energy and science-based targets solutions provider in the DACH region, First Climate can help you to complete your CDP report and optimize your company's CDP score.
  • What is the difference between offsetting and insetting?
    The term "offsetting" describes the compensation of unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions by supporting external climate projects. Insetting, on the other hand, refers to an emission reduction project directly along a company's own value chain. This minimizes climate risks in the value chain. For example, insetting projects can include using sustainable soil and land-use techniques or the implementation of agroforestry programs.
  • Does an insetting project fit into my company's climate strategy?
    In principle, companies with long or complex supply chains have a high emission reduction potential with an insetting project. If your company's carbon footprint shows a Scope 3 hotspot, an insetting project could be a good choice. ​The best way to find out if an insetting project is right for you is to work closely with First Climate. Together we can conduct an initial consultation and scoping study to identify priority areas for Scope 3 measures in your value chain.
  • Are there any cons to carbon insetting?
    Carbon insetting is a very good instrument for effective corporate climate action climate. The following factors generally play an important role in the implementation of insetting projects and must be examined individually during project development: Time: An insetting project must be tailored specifically to a company's value chain. Ensuring the quality and efficiency of project development requires great care, which makes the development process correspondingly time-consuming. A realistic estimate places the project development between one year and several years. In return, companies receive a tailor-made climate project with maximum efficiency, measurable climate benefits and direct opportunities to influence its development. Costs: Developing your own climate project always involves investment. However, in addition to reducing Scope 3 emissions, investments in our own value chain can pay off in the future, e.g. through more resilient value chains and improved supply security.
  • Wo werden Aufforstungsprojekte durchgeführt?
    Die Aufforstung erfolgt auf Flächen, die seit langem stark degradiert sind, oft durch Abholzung oder Landwirtschaft. Aufforstungsprojekte können weltweit durchgeführt werden, abhängig von den Bedürfnissen und Zielen des Unternehmens. Es gibt Projekte in verschiedenen Ländern und Regionen, die unterschiedliche ökologische Herausforderungen angehen. Die Wahl des Standorts kann auch mit der Verbindung zum eigenen Unternehmen oder der Kundenbasis in Einklang gebracht werden.
  • Wie lange dauert es, bis Aufforstungsprojekte positive Auswirkungen zeigen?
    Die nachhaltige Wirkung von (Wieder-)Aufforstungen ist langfristig angelegt. Es dauert mehrere Jahre, bis die gepflanzten Bäume heranwachsen und ihre volle ökologische Funktion erfüllen. Unternehmen sollten solche Projekte deshalb als langfristige Investition betrachten, die über die Jahre hinweg positive Auswirkungen haben wird.
  • Carbon Footprint - what is it?
    The carbon footprint describes how many greenhouse gases are released during an action, activity, or process.
  • How can a carbon footprint be reduced?
    There are various options for this as part of an individual climate strategy. For example, the purchase of green electricity certificates of origin or the development of a climate protection project along your value chain is conceivable.
  • What emissions are included in a carbon footprint?
    Contrary to what the term suggests, carbon dioxide is not the only emission taken into account when calculating a carbon footprint. Other greenhouse gases, such as methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexaflouride, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and nitrogen trifluoride are also included.
  • Why are some REDD+ projects criticized and what’s First Climate’s position?
    Recently, there have been criticisms from newspapers and other stakeholders alleging that REDD+ projects verified by VERRA do not fully deliver on their claimed climate impact. As a result, projects could overestimate the deforestation rate of what’s known as the “baseline scenario”, or the assumed development of the forest’s state without the project. In this sense, the alleged “baseline inflation” could lead to a project issuing more carbon credits than justified. Climate projects in the area of forestry conservation can be particularly challenging due to their complexity regarding implementation and verification. While it can therefore not be ruled out with certainty that baselines might have been overestimated in the past, First Climate deems the methods and certification procedures applied by the VERRA standard as sound and valid. First Climate welcomes the reporting and the debate it encourages as a vital component of the ongoing advancement of the REDD+ methodologies in the voluntary carbon market. In this sense, we also acknowledge VERRA’s ongoing efforts to further refine their respective methodologies. However, it is important not to lose sight of the bigger picture. We are in dire need of accelerated global climate action and forest protection is one of the most important pillars. REDD+ projects can play a key role in achieving the climate goals set by the Paris Agreement.
  • What is the aim of REDD+ Projects?
    REDD+ is a mechanism developed by the UN to help countries in the Global South conserve their forests. Through financial incentives, REDD+ promotes forest conservation, helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and supports economic diversification without clearing the forest.
  • What are the benefits of forest conservation and REDD+ projects?
    Forest conservation and REDD+ projects reduce greenhouse gas emissions by storing carbon, protect biodiversity by conserving forests, and improve the living conditions of local people by creating jobs and income.
  • How are forest conservation and REDD+ projects implemented?
    The implementation of these projects requires careful planning and collaboration with local communities. They go through several phases, including planning, implementation, and evaluation, to ensure that project objectives are achieved and the rights and needs of the local population are taken into account.
  • What are Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs)?
    The aim of Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) is to provide information about the quantity and origin of electricity from renewable energy sources. However, this does not assess the ecological quality of the energy production.
  • Who can use Energy Attribute Certificates?
    Energy Attribute Certificates are particularly interesting for electricity producers who generate energy from renewable sources that are not subsidized by the EEG. These can be, for example, operators of mixed combustion plants (e.g. waste-to-energy plants) who want to market green electricity. Likewise, wind power and solar energy plants and pumped storage power plants that feed renewable or biogenic electricity into the grid can be registered in the guarantees of origin register.
  • Who issues energy attribute certificates?
    Electricity producers in Germany can obtain Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) from the Federal Environment Agency for the amount of electricity they produce from renewable sources and feed into the grid, insofar as it is not subsidized under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).
  • What are the benefits of guarantees of origin for green electricity?
    Electricity producers have the option of voluntarily participating in the register of guarantees of origin and selling their guarantees of origin to energy supply companies - regardless of the origin of the electricity. This enables additional financial profits for the generator and a positive effect on their own image, as customers and investors are placing increasing value on green power generation.
  • Is green electricity more expensive than normal electricity?
    In Germany, green electricity is on average no more expensive than electricity generated from fossil resources. In some cases, more favorable price for green energy compared to basic tarifs. One reason for this is that renewable energy technology, such as from solar and wind, is already widely used. Thanks to the widespread use of wind and solar farms, green electricity is thus becoming increasingly affordable. In Germany and many other countries, there are also subsidy programs for companies and private individuals that offer incentives for the installation of green power technologies.
  • Can every company source green electricity?
    There are several ways to benefit from green electricity. For example, companies can buy certificates that provide information about energy type, megawatts, and more.
  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Strom und Naturstrom von First Climate?
    Herkömmlicher Strom wird vorrangig durch die Verbrennung von Kohle, Gas und anderen fossilen Brennstoffen erzeugt. Im Gegensatz dazu stehen erneuerbare Energiequellen wie Sonne, Wasser oder Wind, die mithilfe entsprechender Technologien in Naturstrom umgewandelt werden. Der besondere Nutzen von Ökostrom liegt darin, dass bei seiner Gewinnung keine klimaschädlichen Treibhausgase erzeugt werden. Außerdem sind die Erzeuger nicht auf endliche Ressourcen wie Kohle und Öl angewiesen. Der Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien schafft auch in Zukunft Arbeitsplätze und kann damit die lokale Wirtschaft unterstützen. Denn die Erzeugung von Ökostrom erfolgt größtenteils standortnah für die eigene Region – so sieht zumindest die Idealvorstellung aus.
  • What are the benefits of green electricity for companies?
    Green electricity offers a number of advantages for companies, as it can help reduce a company's own impact on the environment. Because it is generated from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, it does not cause harmful emissions like conventional electricity from fossil fuels. As a result, green electricity can help your business reduce its environmental footprint and improve its public image. Another advantage of green electricity can be the cost factor. In many German regions, renewable energy is already cheaper than electricity from fossil fuels. This means that your company can save cash by switching to green power. Finally, green electricity can help your business become more sustainable. By using solar, wind, and the like, you can reduce your dependence on finite resources like oil and coal, and instead rely on cleaner, renewable energy sources. In this way, you actively contribute to reducing the negative impact on the environment in the long term and become more sustainable overall.
  • What does green electricity mean?
    Green electricity - also natural electricity or green power - is generally defined as electrical energy generated from renewable energy plants. There are various certificates, seals of approval and guarantees of origin to identify the individual electricity products as green electricity.
  • What are Science-Based Targets?
    According to scientific projections, we have a limited amount of CO2 emissions that can be emitted every second until we exceed the 1.5°C limit. Therefore, this amount must not be exceeded if the world wants to keep global warming within the limits defined by the Paris Climate Agreement. Companies can ideally support the global fight against climate change by aligning their climate protection measures and emission reduction targets with the remaining carbon balance. The Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) allows companies to set net zero targets based on the latest climate science to support achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. A “science-based target” is thus a science-based climate goal that sets a clearly defined path for companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and allows each company's "fair share" of the remaining carbon footprint to be determined as a sustainable alternative to a "business as usual" scenario.
  • Was ist ein FAQ-Abschnitt?
    Ein FAQ-Abschnitt beantwortet häufig gestellte Fragen zu deinem Unternehmen, z.B. „Wohin kann geliefert werden?“, „Was sind die Öffnungszeiten?“ oder „Wie buche ich eine Dienstleistung?“. Mit FAQ erleichterst du Besuchern die Navigation auf deiner Website und verbesserst gleichzeitig deine SEO.
  • Can the base year for scopes 1 and 2 targets deviate from the base year for the scope 3 target?
    Different base years may be used for the scope 1 and 2 targets and scope 3 target, however, we do not recommend it.
  • Can the base year deviate for the near-term and long-term targets?
    The base year should be consistent for the near- and long-term targets.
  • Which Scope 3 categories should be calculated and covered when developing SBTs?
    SBTi requires companies to carry out a full scope 3 screening to identify all its relevant value chain emission sources. Depending on in which industry your company operates, the emissions profile in scope 3 categories varies widely. First Climate can support you in carrying out a qualitative scope 3 screening and support you in figuring out which categories to cover in your scope 3 target.
  • Does my company need to set a scope 3 target?
    A scope 3 target must be set for all companies whose scope 3 emissions make up 40% or more of the overall emissions of the company’s corporate carbon footprint.
  • Can my company use carbon credits to meet annual reduction targets, ahead of reaching net zero?
    Carbon credits cannot be accounted toward meeting your science-based decarbonization targets. The purchase of carbon credits is an option for companies to finance additional emission reductions or removals beyond their value chain. The SBTi refers to these purchases as Beyond Value Chain Interventions.
  • Do energy certificates count towards SBTi?
    Companies may use Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) as a measure to reduce scope 2 market-based emissions.
  • What types of green energy are there?
    Renewable energy sources that produce so-called green energy include wind energy, hydropower, solar energy, geothermal energy and biomass.
  • How does green energy work?
    Green energy comes from sustainable or renewable energy sources. This means that, in contrast to fossil fuels, this resource is not depleted. It is important for a sustainable energy supply to combine different renewable energy sources so that the demand for electricity can be met at all times.
  • Why should companies switch to green energy?
    There are several reasons why green energy makes sense for companies. One of the most important is effective climate action, which is becoming increasingly important to both clients and investors. Additional reasons include the decrease in raw material imports and thus, a reduction in dependency, more diversity in power generation and functioning competition. In addition, green energy is seen as an engine of innovation that drives the development of technologies and creates new jobs.
  • How can I find out more about the start date of a posted job?
    Unless otherwise stated in the job description, we prefer if you start at the earliest possible date. Start dates are typically the 1st or 15th of a given month.
  • Can I apply to multiple open positions?
    Yes, but in order to ensure quick and uncomplicated processing, please apply for each position separately. Please make sure to submit a complete application for each position.
  • How long does the application process take?
    The length of the application process is individual and not always the same.We will provide you with feedback as quickly as possible.
  • Build a Partnership
    If your project is eligible, we will reach out to you with an offer for a partnership agreement. Together, we will define cornerstones like pricing, volumes, and a delivery plan and sign a Carbon Removal Purchase Agreement.
  • Project Registration
    Time to register your project at a carbon standard! At First Climate, we select the carbon standard that best fits your project and take care of all necessary registration steps, such as creating the Project Design Document and managing the validation process.
  • Carbon Removal Credits
    Once your project is registered, we handle the full cycle of carbon credit issuance, marketing, sale, and retirement. Thanks to our wide and global network of partners and clients, you benefit from the highest quality carbon credit management.
  • Eligibility Check
    Not sure if your project is a good fit for carbon credits? Use our online tool to check your project’s eligibility for a carbon standard or to get in touch with us. Just enter your project’s key information!
  • Monitoring and Reporting
    For continuous successful issuance of credits and transparency for our clients, we ensure that your project continually undergoes rigorous monitoring and reporting. This step is crucial to keeping track of the updates or progress of the project metrics, ensuring project quality and guaranteeing long-term revenue streams for your project.
  • How long does the project development process take?
    The project development process can take between 1 ½ to 2 years. We will be your partner after that too, continuously monitoring the project after the development phase is complete. 
  • Why should my company develop a project when it could support an already existing project?
    Choosing to support an existing project or developing a new project depends ultimately on your organization’s long-term climate strategy and goals. However, investing in an early-stage project enables your company to get involved in all important decisions to determine the future development of the project and gives you full access in every respect. It can also showcase your company’s commitment to climate action in the long-term, not just the short-term. If supporting an existing project fits your company’s needs right now, you can explore our portfolio here!
  • Mehr Erfahren
    Klimaschutzprojekte, die die Qualitätsanforderungen für den freiwilligen CO2-Markt erfüllen, werden nach international anerkannten Standards zertifiziert und die erzielten Emissionseinsparungen bzw. die erzielte Senkenleistung durch unabhängige Prüfinstitute bestätigt. Entsprechend anerkannte Projekte können für jede von ihnen nachweislich eingesparte Tonne CO2 einen Emissionsminderungs- oder CO2-Senkennachweis ausgeben, der dann über den freiwilligen CO2-Markt gehandelt und von Unternehmen erworben werden kann. CO2-Zertifikate ermöglichen es deshalb, ausgewählte Klimaschutzmaßnahmen gezielt zu fördern. Emissionen aus dem Geschäftsbetrieb lassen sich dadurch nicht verhindern; das Verfahren ermöglicht es aber, Finanzmittel zu generieren und in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer zu transferieren, wo mit jedem Euro viel größere Emissionseinsparungen erzielt werden können als in Europa. Indem Ihr Unternehmen CO2-Zertifikate erwirbt, schaffen Sie wirtschaftliche Anreize für die Entwicklung von Emissionsminderungs- und Senkenprojekten, die ohne Ihr Engagement und die entsprechende Förderung nicht umsetzbar wären.
  • Carbon credits support climate technology innovation:
    The natural carbon storage capabilities of biochar, an innovation promoted by First Climate, is an excellent example of such technologies. The development and increasing usage of similar carbon sink technologies are important instruments to proactively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and therefore, they have a significant role in climate action. Without the support made possible by the voluntary carbon market, the further development of such promising, innovative climate action technologies would not be financially viable.
  • Carbon credits promote sustainable development
    The latest IPCC Climate Report underscores the urgent need for sufficient financing to tackle the climate crisis decisively. Unfortunately, however, there is still a wide gap in climate financing and there is still a lack of much needed investments for the transformation to increased sustainable development. The voluntary carbon market can help generate revenue and support communities in the Global South to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Investment, technology transfer and employment opportunities also enable economic growth and active poverty reduction. In this way, carbon credits not only contribute to climate mitigation, but also support other environmental and socio-economic concerns.
  • Carbon credits are incentives for additional emission reductions:
    By purchasing emission reduction certificates or carbon sink credits, companies effectively put an internal price on carbon, and  thus, create financial incentives to find additional ways to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in their operations and supply chain. In this way, the internal carbon price makes it easier for business, for example, to invest in cleaner technologies and sustainable practices to reduce emissions and meet reduction targets.
  • Carbon credits enable additional climate action
    It has been proven in numerous studies that companies which purchase emission credits are more committed to implementing emission reductions in their own operations than their corporate peers which do not make similar investments. Carbon credits thus function as an added measure, not an alternative. A recent evaluation by Trove Research concludes that companies that invested in carbon credits reduced their Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions simultaneously by 6.2% per year. In contrast, companies that did not purchase credits reduced their operational emissions by only 3.4% per year.
  • Klemens, what is the concept behind VIRIDAD?
    At VIRIDAD, our mission is to drive the sustainable transformation of the economic system with innovative solutions and services. We have set ourselves the goal of helping companies achieve sustainable success in a rapidly changing environment. How do we do this? By providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to keep pace with the challenges and dynamics of ESG reporting.
  • What makes VIRIDAD unique?
    With our partner First Climate, we offer clients a cloud-based digital platform that, thanks to standardized processes and intuitive interfaces, is not only secure and easy to use, but also saves time. We combine our technical and regulatory expertise to support our clients with comprehensive data management solutions and consulting expertise in fulfilling their reporting obligations under the EU Taxonomy and efficiently mastering the challenges of ESG reporting.
  • What benefits do clients get from First Climate and VIRIDAD’s partnership?
    Building on our existing platform, we will develop our digital solutions incrementally and scale up our services. Our partnership with First Climate gives us the capacity to take the next important step and collectively create added value for companies in the implementation of their climate and sustainability strategies. Through our collaboration with First Climate, companies benefit from an all-in-one solution for their corporate climate journey.

Energy Certificates

  • How do I claim the green attribute of the energy generated when I have a PPA with a renewable energy facility?
    When procuring renewable energy with a green PPA it is of utmost importance to also include the underlying Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) in the contract. EACs are the only way to credibly connect the megawatt hours (MWh) of energy produced by a solar or wind farm to the energy consumed by a corporate customer. First Climate can support and advise on finding the right contractual model to procure green energy credibly and sustainably from a renewable energy asset.
  • How much does a PPA cost?
    PPA costs and pricing are constantly changing on the market and depend on various factors such as current supply and energy source. Solar energy PPA costs for example, are different than wind energy PPA costs. Because PPA contracts are inherently complex, there is a wide variety of pricing structures available. First Climate provides support to companies to find the most suitable PPA pricing and achieve renewable energy targets.
  • Do I need a PPA to have 100% renewable energy supply ?
    The short answer is “no”. The long one must be “no, but…”. Besides the procurement of EACs, which when adhering to a certain set of criteria, are also an instrument for renewable energy procurement recognized by most major sustainability reporting standards, PPAs can be an additional way to implement renewable energy to your power procurement. Depending on your overall energy demand, PPAs can be an integral part to your (green) energy procurement strategy, since they not only ensure renewable energy procurement but also provide long-term price stability. An integrated green energy procurement strategy usually consists of several pillars which also can include self-generation to strike the balance between energy security, economics, and sustainability reporting requirements.
  • How do I determine the right renewable technology and the right energy volume for a PPA?
    To determine the right size as well as the best suited technology of a PPA it is mandatory to evaluate the load profile to minimize oversupply of renewable energy. Since every load profile has its unique characteristics our PPA Experts analyze this data and match it to simulated generation profiles of wind and solar farms. Once the appropriate PPA-volume as well as the best fitting technology (or a combination of technologies) is defined, First Climate supports its corporate clients to conduct a Request for Proposals (RFP) to obtain PPA-offers, including modelled generation profiles of planned wind and solar projects to assess and identify the most suitable generation facility to conduct a PPA with.
  • Are PPAs recognized by sustainability reporting standards as a renewable energy procurement option to reduce Scope 2 emissions?
    First Climate works closely with global sustainability reporting standards, such as the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), CDP and the RE100 initiative to ensure that our clients not only measure their Scope 2 emissions in line with these standards, but also that the green energy procurement meets their defined criteria. PPAs, especially those concluded with newly constructed wind and solar assets, fulfill these criteria. PPAs show a high level of commitment to supporting the development of new renewable energy projects, ensuring additionality. They also provide significant price security. To connect the consumption of renewable energy to its generation, EACs need to be included in the energy supply contract.
  • Virtual PPAs
    In contrast to a physical PPA, virtual PPAs are purely financial contracts that do not include any physical power delivery or transmission fees. This is why they are sometimes referred to as synthetic or financial PPAs. The aim of a virtual PPA is to generate similar economic effects for both the supplier and the buyer as with a physical PPA contract, even if they do not have shared access to the same network. The underlying structure is often a Contract for Difference.
  • Physical PPAs
    There are different types of physical PPAs, from on-site to off-site. In both cases, parties agree on a fixed amount of electricity to be sold and delivered through the PPA. An on-site PPA usually secures a direct physical supply of electricity. With an off-site PPA, the company agrees to purchase a physical amount of electricity specified in the PPA and produced either by a specific project or a portfolio of projects. The electricity from the renewable energy facility is not supplied to the company via a direct wire, but into the public grid.
  • Are carbon footprints for companies regulated by law?
    In many countries there are legal regulations and obligations to report greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon accounting helps companies to comply with these regulations and minimize legal risks.
  • How often should a company conduct a carbon footprint assessment?
    The frequency of carbon accounting varies depending on company size, sector and objectives. Many companies carry it out annually. Our recommendation is to do it annually to have up-to-date data and track emissions progress. Changes in the activities or infrastructure of the value chain may also require additional assessments. Legal requirements should also be observed, such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in the EU.
  • What standards or guidelines are there for carbon accounting?
    Carbon accounting is carried out in accordance with international standards such as ISO 14064 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol). These standards define the process for measuring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, national and regional government guidelines may apply. The choice of the appropriate framework depends on various factors, including company size, industry and objectives. Companies often use a combination of these standards and guidelines to achieve consistent and comparable results and meet sustainability targets.
  • What data is needed for carbon accounting?
    Carbon accounting requires various data to quantify greenhouse gas emissions. This includes energy consumption information, fuel consumption, production data, emission factors, transportation and travel data, information on purchased goods and services, waste and wastewater data, building information and information on CO2 reduction measures. The exact requirements vary depending on company goals and standards. Accurate data collection is crucial for accurate carbon footprints and the identification of emission reduction opportunities.
  • What are the most common challenges in carbon accounting?
    Carbon accounting can present several challenges, including data collection and quality, the complexity of selecting and applying emission factors, data verification, resource constraints for smaller companies and changes in business operations. Different legislation and stakeholder expectations can also pose challenges. Overcoming these requires careful planning, staff training and the use of best practice - ideally accompanied by carbon footprint consulting. Continuous improvement of accounting processes is critical to producing accurate and reliable carbon footprints and minimizing environmental impact.
  • What advantages do I have with First Climate's CDP Reporting services?
    First Climate’s sustainability consultants work closely with clients to determine goals and a complementary strategy, conduct gap analyses to identify potential areas for increased climate action, create opportunity and risk profiles, analyze hotspots and emission sources, and prepare a final report. First Climate’s expertise and solutions for renewable energy and science-based targets specifically gives its clients an edge when disclosing through CDP. In addition to this, First Climate and CDP will continue to offer joint online seminars on essential topics throughout the year.
  • What are the advantages of disclosing with CDP?
    By measuring environmental and climate risks, hidden costs are uncovered in many cases, which can save companies thousands of dollars. The reduced dependence on limited resources and the exchange of innovations are further advantages that the project can offer. CDP provides a sound basis for decision-making based on valid data. This is because environmental influences are also considered on a large scale and the impact of environmental policy measures is precisely evaluated. In this way, CDP can be used to promote ecological concepts and green growth. Last but not least, the publicly available information can also be used as a stimulus for new regulations in environmental protection or give the reporting organizations the opportunity to learn from each other.
  • How does CDP work?
    The CDP reporting process consists of three main steps that can be applied to all participants: As part of CDP, companies, cities and countries are asked to submit valid data on their respective environmental impact. This can, for example, relate to the use of resources such as water or surveys on self-caused greenhouse gas emissions. The data is collected using standardized questionnaires on a voluntary basis. CDP employees check the information and analyze the influencing factors. They then derive suggestions for improvement. All data is then published so that it is accessible to everyone free of charge.
  • How can I improve my CDP Score?
    Among other things, you can set science-based targets, define a detailed climate strategy and reduce emissions in all areas (Scopes 1, 2 and 3). For the best CDP score results, it is recommended to work with a CDP Accredited Solutions Provider. As a silver CDP renewable energy and science-based targets solutions provider in the DACH region, First Climate can help you to complete your CDP report and optimize your company's CDP score.
  • What is the difference between offsetting and insetting?
    The term "offsetting" describes the compensation of unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions by supporting external climate projects. Insetting, on the other hand, refers to an emission reduction project directly along a company's own value chain. This minimizes climate risks in the value chain. For example, insetting projects can include using sustainable soil and land-use techniques or the implementation of agroforestry programs.
  • Does an insetting project fit into my company's climate strategy?
    In principle, companies with long or complex supply chains have a high emission reduction potential with an insetting project. If your company's carbon footprint shows a Scope 3 hotspot, an insetting project could be a good choice. ​The best way to find out if an insetting project is right for you is to work closely with First Climate. Together we can conduct an initial consultation and scoping study to identify priority areas for Scope 3 measures in your value chain.
  • Are there any cons to carbon insetting?
    Carbon insetting is a very good instrument for effective corporate climate action climate. The following factors generally play an important role in the implementation of insetting projects and must be examined individually during project development: Time: An insetting project must be tailored specifically to a company's value chain. Ensuring the quality and efficiency of project development requires great care, which makes the development process correspondingly time-consuming. A realistic estimate places the project development between one year and several years. In return, companies receive a tailor-made climate project with maximum efficiency, measurable climate benefits and direct opportunities to influence its development. Costs: Developing your own climate project always involves investment. However, in addition to reducing Scope 3 emissions, investments in our own value chain can pay off in the future, e.g. through more resilient value chains and improved supply security.
  • Wo werden Aufforstungsprojekte durchgeführt?
    Die Aufforstung erfolgt auf Flächen, die seit langem stark degradiert sind, oft durch Abholzung oder Landwirtschaft. Aufforstungsprojekte können weltweit durchgeführt werden, abhängig von den Bedürfnissen und Zielen des Unternehmens. Es gibt Projekte in verschiedenen Ländern und Regionen, die unterschiedliche ökologische Herausforderungen angehen. Die Wahl des Standorts kann auch mit der Verbindung zum eigenen Unternehmen oder der Kundenbasis in Einklang gebracht werden.
  • Wie lange dauert es, bis Aufforstungsprojekte positive Auswirkungen zeigen?
    Die nachhaltige Wirkung von (Wieder-)Aufforstungen ist langfristig angelegt. Es dauert mehrere Jahre, bis die gepflanzten Bäume heranwachsen und ihre volle ökologische Funktion erfüllen. Unternehmen sollten solche Projekte deshalb als langfristige Investition betrachten, die über die Jahre hinweg positive Auswirkungen haben wird.
  • Carbon Footprint - what is it?
    The carbon footprint describes how many greenhouse gases are released during an action, activity, or process.
  • How can a carbon footprint be reduced?
    There are various options for this as part of an individual climate strategy. For example, the purchase of green electricity certificates of origin or the development of a climate protection project along your value chain is conceivable.
  • What emissions are included in a carbon footprint?
    Contrary to what the term suggests, carbon dioxide is not the only emission taken into account when calculating a carbon footprint. Other greenhouse gases, such as methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexaflouride, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and nitrogen trifluoride are also included.
  • Why are some REDD+ projects criticized and what’s First Climate’s position?
    Recently, there have been criticisms from newspapers and other stakeholders alleging that REDD+ projects verified by VERRA do not fully deliver on their claimed climate impact. As a result, projects could overestimate the deforestation rate of what’s known as the “baseline scenario”, or the assumed development of the forest’s state without the project. In this sense, the alleged “baseline inflation” could lead to a project issuing more carbon credits than justified. Climate projects in the area of forestry conservation can be particularly challenging due to their complexity regarding implementation and verification. While it can therefore not be ruled out with certainty that baselines might have been overestimated in the past, First Climate deems the methods and certification procedures applied by the VERRA standard as sound and valid. First Climate welcomes the reporting and the debate it encourages as a vital component of the ongoing advancement of the REDD+ methodologies in the voluntary carbon market. In this sense, we also acknowledge VERRA’s ongoing efforts to further refine their respective methodologies. However, it is important not to lose sight of the bigger picture. We are in dire need of accelerated global climate action and forest protection is one of the most important pillars. REDD+ projects can play a key role in achieving the climate goals set by the Paris Agreement.
  • What is the aim of REDD+ Projects?
    REDD+ is a mechanism developed by the UN to help countries in the Global South conserve their forests. Through financial incentives, REDD+ promotes forest conservation, helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and supports economic diversification without clearing the forest.
  • What are the benefits of forest conservation and REDD+ projects?
    Forest conservation and REDD+ projects reduce greenhouse gas emissions by storing carbon, protect biodiversity by conserving forests, and improve the living conditions of local people by creating jobs and income.
  • How are forest conservation and REDD+ projects implemented?
    The implementation of these projects requires careful planning and collaboration with local communities. They go through several phases, including planning, implementation, and evaluation, to ensure that project objectives are achieved and the rights and needs of the local population are taken into account.
  • What are Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs)?
    The aim of Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) is to provide information about the quantity and origin of electricity from renewable energy sources. However, this does not assess the ecological quality of the energy production.
  • Who can use Energy Attribute Certificates?
    Energy Attribute Certificates are particularly interesting for electricity producers who generate energy from renewable sources that are not subsidized by the EEG. These can be, for example, operators of mixed combustion plants (e.g. waste-to-energy plants) who want to market green electricity. Likewise, wind power and solar energy plants and pumped storage power plants that feed renewable or biogenic electricity into the grid can be registered in the guarantees of origin register.
  • Who issues energy attribute certificates?
    Electricity producers in Germany can obtain Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) from the Federal Environment Agency for the amount of electricity they produce from renewable sources and feed into the grid, insofar as it is not subsidized under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).
  • What are the benefits of guarantees of origin for green electricity?
    Electricity producers have the option of voluntarily participating in the register of guarantees of origin and selling their guarantees of origin to energy supply companies - regardless of the origin of the electricity. This enables additional financial profits for the generator and a positive effect on their own image, as customers and investors are placing increasing value on green power generation.
  • Is green electricity more expensive than normal electricity?
    In Germany, green electricity is on average no more expensive than electricity generated from fossil resources. In some cases, more favorable price for green energy compared to basic tarifs. One reason for this is that renewable energy technology, such as from solar and wind, is already widely used. Thanks to the widespread use of wind and solar farms, green electricity is thus becoming increasingly affordable. In Germany and many other countries, there are also subsidy programs for companies and private individuals that offer incentives for the installation of green power technologies.
  • Can every company source green electricity?
    There are several ways to benefit from green electricity. For example, companies can buy certificates that provide information about energy type, megawatts, and more.
  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Strom und Naturstrom von First Climate?
    Herkömmlicher Strom wird vorrangig durch die Verbrennung von Kohle, Gas und anderen fossilen Brennstoffen erzeugt. Im Gegensatz dazu stehen erneuerbare Energiequellen wie Sonne, Wasser oder Wind, die mithilfe entsprechender Technologien in Naturstrom umgewandelt werden. Der besondere Nutzen von Ökostrom liegt darin, dass bei seiner Gewinnung keine klimaschädlichen Treibhausgase erzeugt werden. Außerdem sind die Erzeuger nicht auf endliche Ressourcen wie Kohle und Öl angewiesen. Der Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien schafft auch in Zukunft Arbeitsplätze und kann damit die lokale Wirtschaft unterstützen. Denn die Erzeugung von Ökostrom erfolgt größtenteils standortnah für die eigene Region – so sieht zumindest die Idealvorstellung aus.
  • What are the benefits of green electricity for companies?
    Green electricity offers a number of advantages for companies, as it can help reduce a company's own impact on the environment. Because it is generated from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, it does not cause harmful emissions like conventional electricity from fossil fuels. As a result, green electricity can help your business reduce its environmental footprint and improve its public image. Another advantage of green electricity can be the cost factor. In many German regions, renewable energy is already cheaper than electricity from fossil fuels. This means that your company can save cash by switching to green power. Finally, green electricity can help your business become more sustainable. By using solar, wind, and the like, you can reduce your dependence on finite resources like oil and coal, and instead rely on cleaner, renewable energy sources. In this way, you actively contribute to reducing the negative impact on the environment in the long term and become more sustainable overall.
  • What does green electricity mean?
    Green electricity - also natural electricity or green power - is generally defined as electrical energy generated from renewable energy plants. There are various certificates, seals of approval and guarantees of origin to identify the individual electricity products as green electricity.
  • What are Science-Based Targets?
    According to scientific projections, we have a limited amount of CO2 emissions that can be emitted every second until we exceed the 1.5°C limit. Therefore, this amount must not be exceeded if the world wants to keep global warming within the limits defined by the Paris Climate Agreement. Companies can ideally support the global fight against climate change by aligning their climate protection measures and emission reduction targets with the remaining carbon balance. The Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) allows companies to set net zero targets based on the latest climate science to support achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. A “science-based target” is thus a science-based climate goal that sets a clearly defined path for companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and allows each company's "fair share" of the remaining carbon footprint to be determined as a sustainable alternative to a "business as usual" scenario.
  • Was ist ein FAQ-Abschnitt?
    Ein FAQ-Abschnitt beantwortet häufig gestellte Fragen zu deinem Unternehmen, z.B. „Wohin kann geliefert werden?“, „Was sind die Öffnungszeiten?“ oder „Wie buche ich eine Dienstleistung?“. Mit FAQ erleichterst du Besuchern die Navigation auf deiner Website und verbesserst gleichzeitig deine SEO.
  • Can the base year for scopes 1 and 2 targets deviate from the base year for the scope 3 target?
    Different base years may be used for the scope 1 and 2 targets and scope 3 target, however, we do not recommend it.
  • Can the base year deviate for the near-term and long-term targets?
    The base year should be consistent for the near- and long-term targets.
  • Which Scope 3 categories should be calculated and covered when developing SBTs?
    SBTi requires companies to carry out a full scope 3 screening to identify all its relevant value chain emission sources. Depending on in which industry your company operates, the emissions profile in scope 3 categories varies widely. First Climate can support you in carrying out a qualitative scope 3 screening and support you in figuring out which categories to cover in your scope 3 target.
  • Does my company need to set a scope 3 target?
    A scope 3 target must be set for all companies whose scope 3 emissions make up 40% or more of the overall emissions of the company’s corporate carbon footprint.
  • Can my company use carbon credits to meet annual reduction targets, ahead of reaching net zero?
    Carbon credits cannot be accounted toward meeting your science-based decarbonization targets. The purchase of carbon credits is an option for companies to finance additional emission reductions or removals beyond their value chain. The SBTi refers to these purchases as Beyond Value Chain Interventions.
  • Do energy certificates count towards SBTi?
    Companies may use Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) as a measure to reduce scope 2 market-based emissions.
  • What types of green energy are there?
    Renewable energy sources that produce so-called green energy include wind energy, hydropower, solar energy, geothermal energy and biomass.
  • How does green energy work?
    Green energy comes from sustainable or renewable energy sources. This means that, in contrast to fossil fuels, this resource is not depleted. It is important for a sustainable energy supply to combine different renewable energy sources so that the demand for electricity can be met at all times.
  • Why should companies switch to green energy?
    There are several reasons why green energy makes sense for companies. One of the most important is effective climate action, which is becoming increasingly important to both clients and investors. Additional reasons include the decrease in raw material imports and thus, a reduction in dependency, more diversity in power generation and functioning competition. In addition, green energy is seen as an engine of innovation that drives the development of technologies and creates new jobs.
  • How can I find out more about the start date of a posted job?
    Unless otherwise stated in the job description, we prefer if you start at the earliest possible date. Start dates are typically the 1st or 15th of a given month.
  • Can I apply to multiple open positions?
    Yes, but in order to ensure quick and uncomplicated processing, please apply for each position separately. Please make sure to submit a complete application for each position.
  • How long does the application process take?
    The length of the application process is individual and not always the same.We will provide you with feedback as quickly as possible.
  • Build a Partnership
    If your project is eligible, we will reach out to you with an offer for a partnership agreement. Together, we will define cornerstones like pricing, volumes, and a delivery plan and sign a Carbon Removal Purchase Agreement.
  • Project Registration
    Time to register your project at a carbon standard! At First Climate, we select the carbon standard that best fits your project and take care of all necessary registration steps, such as creating the Project Design Document and managing the validation process.
  • Carbon Removal Credits
    Once your project is registered, we handle the full cycle of carbon credit issuance, marketing, sale, and retirement. Thanks to our wide and global network of partners and clients, you benefit from the highest quality carbon credit management.
  • Eligibility Check
    Not sure if your project is a good fit for carbon credits? Use our online tool to check your project’s eligibility for a carbon standard or to get in touch with us. Just enter your project’s key information!
  • Monitoring and Reporting
    For continuous successful issuance of credits and transparency for our clients, we ensure that your project continually undergoes rigorous monitoring and reporting. This step is crucial to keeping track of the updates or progress of the project metrics, ensuring project quality and guaranteeing long-term revenue streams for your project.
  • How long does the project development process take?
    The project development process can take between 1 ½ to 2 years. We will be your partner after that too, continuously monitoring the project after the development phase is complete. 
  • Why should my company develop a project when it could support an already existing project?
    Choosing to support an existing project or developing a new project depends ultimately on your organization’s long-term climate strategy and goals. However, investing in an early-stage project enables your company to get involved in all important decisions to determine the future development of the project and gives you full access in every respect. It can also showcase your company’s commitment to climate action in the long-term, not just the short-term. If supporting an existing project fits your company’s needs right now, you can explore our portfolio here!
  • Mehr Erfahren
    Klimaschutzprojekte, die die Qualitätsanforderungen für den freiwilligen CO2-Markt erfüllen, werden nach international anerkannten Standards zertifiziert und die erzielten Emissionseinsparungen bzw. die erzielte Senkenleistung durch unabhängige Prüfinstitute bestätigt. Entsprechend anerkannte Projekte können für jede von ihnen nachweislich eingesparte Tonne CO2 einen Emissionsminderungs- oder CO2-Senkennachweis ausgeben, der dann über den freiwilligen CO2-Markt gehandelt und von Unternehmen erworben werden kann. CO2-Zertifikate ermöglichen es deshalb, ausgewählte Klimaschutzmaßnahmen gezielt zu fördern. Emissionen aus dem Geschäftsbetrieb lassen sich dadurch nicht verhindern; das Verfahren ermöglicht es aber, Finanzmittel zu generieren und in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer zu transferieren, wo mit jedem Euro viel größere Emissionseinsparungen erzielt werden können als in Europa. Indem Ihr Unternehmen CO2-Zertifikate erwirbt, schaffen Sie wirtschaftliche Anreize für die Entwicklung von Emissionsminderungs- und Senkenprojekten, die ohne Ihr Engagement und die entsprechende Förderung nicht umsetzbar wären.
  • Carbon credits support climate technology innovation:
    The natural carbon storage capabilities of biochar, an innovation promoted by First Climate, is an excellent example of such technologies. The development and increasing usage of similar carbon sink technologies are important instruments to proactively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and therefore, they have a significant role in climate action. Without the support made possible by the voluntary carbon market, the further development of such promising, innovative climate action technologies would not be financially viable.
  • Carbon credits promote sustainable development
    The latest IPCC Climate Report underscores the urgent need for sufficient financing to tackle the climate crisis decisively. Unfortunately, however, there is still a wide gap in climate financing and there is still a lack of much needed investments for the transformation to increased sustainable development. The voluntary carbon market can help generate revenue and support communities in the Global South to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Investment, technology transfer and employment opportunities also enable economic growth and active poverty reduction. In this way, carbon credits not only contribute to climate mitigation, but also support other environmental and socio-economic concerns.
  • Carbon credits are incentives for additional emission reductions:
    By purchasing emission reduction certificates or carbon sink credits, companies effectively put an internal price on carbon, and  thus, create financial incentives to find additional ways to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in their operations and supply chain. In this way, the internal carbon price makes it easier for business, for example, to invest in cleaner technologies and sustainable practices to reduce emissions and meet reduction targets.
  • Carbon credits enable additional climate action
    It has been proven in numerous studies that companies which purchase emission credits are more committed to implementing emission reductions in their own operations than their corporate peers which do not make similar investments. Carbon credits thus function as an added measure, not an alternative. A recent evaluation by Trove Research concludes that companies that invested in carbon credits reduced their Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions simultaneously by 6.2% per year. In contrast, companies that did not purchase credits reduced their operational emissions by only 3.4% per year.
  • Klemens, what is the concept behind VIRIDAD?
    At VIRIDAD, our mission is to drive the sustainable transformation of the economic system with innovative solutions and services. We have set ourselves the goal of helping companies achieve sustainable success in a rapidly changing environment. How do we do this? By providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to keep pace with the challenges and dynamics of ESG reporting.
  • What makes VIRIDAD unique?
    With our partner First Climate, we offer clients a cloud-based digital platform that, thanks to standardized processes and intuitive interfaces, is not only secure and easy to use, but also saves time. We combine our technical and regulatory expertise to support our clients with comprehensive data management solutions and consulting expertise in fulfilling their reporting obligations under the EU Taxonomy and efficiently mastering the challenges of ESG reporting.
  • What benefits do clients get from First Climate and VIRIDAD’s partnership?
    Building on our existing platform, we will develop our digital solutions incrementally and scale up our services. Our partnership with First Climate gives us the capacity to take the next important step and collectively create added value for companies in the implementation of their climate and sustainability strategies. Through our collaboration with First Climate, companies benefit from an all-in-one solution for their corporate climate journey.

  Once again in 2024, First Climate is an “Accredited Solutions Provider” to CDP. We are official CDP accredited silver renewable energy and science-based targets solutions provider in the DACH region. This certifies that First Climate’s services under these areas meet the CDP quality standards.

Contact us!

Federico Cavallucci

Consultant Corporate
Climate Strategies

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