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Crossing the Finish Line: This Year's B2Run Frankfurt

First Climate team among the “fittest” SMEs / The event's carbon footprint calculations can begin

In crisp autumn weather and within a fantastic atmosphere, our First Climate team once again had a lot of fun taking part in the B2Run Frankfurt - both on and off the running course in Deutsche Bank Park. As in previous years, the event provided a wonderful opportunity to strengthen team spirit. First Climate will continue its partnership with B2Run again in the coming year.

According to event registration, 2,500 participants from 122 companies took part in this year's B2Run Frankfurt. With motivation, athletic ambition and cheering each other on, the First Climate runners mastered the 5.3 km course through the sports park surrounding the Deutsche Bank Park stadium. Inside the stadium, after reaching and crossing the finish line, all B2Runners celebrated at after-party. The First Climate team was also delighted to be among the “fittest” teams in the SME category, i.e. the teams with the highest number of participants at the B2Run Frankfurt.

As part of the joint partnership, First Climate is once again calculating the event-related carbon footprint of the running series. This includes the unavoidable emissions caused, for example, by the event organization or the participants' travel. In addition, First Climate is once again providing carbon credits, through whose purchase B2Run will employ to support a verified climate project for the expansion of renewable energies in India.

“A special thanks to the B2Run organizing team for the smooth running of this terrific sports event! We will be supporting the dedicated B2Run team in their active commitment towards more climate action again in their 2025 season, and we’re already eagerly awaiting further cooperation,” says First Climate’s team captain Heike Natzet, Head of Portfolio Management, Sourcing and Backoffice.

The event in Frankfurt marked the end of this year's B2Run season, which, at 166 days since April 2024, was the longest to date and, with around 245,000 participants, also the most successful to date.

The First Climate team is already looking forward to next year's B2Run season.


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