Calculate Your Corporate Carbon Footprint
A precise analysis of your company’s current emissions is the prerequisite for any successful sustainable transformation. This also applies to carbon efficiency: only companies that know their own carbon footprint have an accurate picture of which areas of their business generate which emissions and can take effective countermeasures.
Carbon footprints for recording greenhouse gas emissions at company and product level are therefore essential components of effective sustainability management.
What is a corporate carbon footprint?
A company's carbon footprint indicates the amount of greenhouse gases released by an action, activity, or process. In terms of products, for example, it refers to all emissions that occur during production, use, recycling or disposal. But carbon footprints can also be calculated for services, entire value chains or investments.
Why every company should know its carbon footprint
Every company that aims to be sustainable and is committed to climate action needs their carbon footprint to be able to evaluate its own climate footprint and impact. The carbon footprint shows exactly in which areas the highest greenhouse gas emissions occur and where the greatest savings potential lies. This could be, for example, savings in resources and energy in order to sustainably reduce operating costs.
How are carbon footprints calculated?
The calculation of greenhouse gas balances is an elaborate and complex process that requires a significant amount of experience and know-how. With First Climate, you have a competent partner at your side and can rely on the best service. We prepare our carbon footprints based on internationally recognized standards such as Greenhouse Gas Protocol: Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard, ISO 14040 or PAS 2050.
In general, these greenhouse gases are taken into account:
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Methane (CH4)
Nitrous oxide (N2O)
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC)
Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3)
* Note on the RFI factor we use:
Aircraft emissions at high altitudes have a greater effect on the climate than those near the ground. This effect is expressed by the RFI factor (Radiative Forcing Index) when calculating the carbon footprint. Different scientific studies evaluate the extent of this effect differently. First Climate uses an RFI factor of 2.7, and follows the recommendations of the IPCC.
Your expert for carbon footprints:
First Climate's services
First Climate has many years of experience in preparing professional carbon footprints and is happy to assist you in calculating the carbon footprint of your company, your event, or your products and the processes in your supply chain.
The carbon footprints record the emission of all relevant greenhouse gases caused by business activities in different areas within a year.
Some factors taken into account include, among others:
direct emissions from the use of fossil fuels for heating or vehicle fleet (Scope 1)
indirect emissions from the consumption of electricity (Scope 2)
indirect emissions from business travel or purchased raw materials (Scope 3)
Your Carbon Footprint Benefits
The calculation of your company's individual carbon footprint is an important basis for all subsequent activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. First Climate has been preparing carbon footprints for companies for over 20 years. Do you want to operate in a more environmentally friendly and resource-saving way and meet stakeholder expectations? With us, your company enjoys the following benefits:
Target Setting
Based on your carbon footprint, we help you define concrete and realistic efficiency targets for your company's various processes. We also support you in developing and implementing measures to achieve these targets.
Savings Potential
Experience shows that a carbon footprint can uncover previously unrecognized savings potential in many cases. This offers the opportunity to sustainably reduce the consumption of energy and resources. Not infrequently, this is also associated with direct cost savings.
Benchmark Analysis
In connection with carbon footprinting, First Climate can also carry out a benchmark analysis for you, which shows how your company compares to other companies in the sector regarding climate action. This provides you with an important basis for future investment and management decisions in this area.
Corporate Carbon Footprint
for 25 years, First Climate has been preparing corporate carbon footprints. The calculation takes into account all relevant greenhouse gases caused by business activities within a year. First Climate's professional carbon footprints form the basis for all decarbonization processes and for improving climate efficiency.
Value Chain Carbon Footprints
You can opt into including the climate impact of relevant emission sources along your company's entire value chain. First Climate's carbon footprinting empowers your company with the knowledge you need to minimize your company's environmental impact with your suppliers and upstream suppliers.
Product Carbon Footprints
Calculating a carbon footprint for products also takes into account all upstream and downstream emission sources. From the extraction of raw materials and the manufacture of products, through logistics processes and the use phase, to disposal: First Climate takes all greenhouse gas emissions into account.
Carbon Footprints for Investments
und Finance Portfolios
For companies in the financial industry, we conduct carbon footprints for investments and financial portfolios based on the PCAF standard. This enables you to take account of climate change-related opportunities and risks in your investment decisions.
Calculate your company's carbon footprint now
Our experts will guide you through the entire carbon footprinting process. To this end, we provide you with individual questionnaires for collecting the relevant data. Using this, you can compile the required information and submit it to our experts, who then calculate the carbon footprint and prepare a detailed emissions report. This lets you fully focus on your core business while we prepare your professional corporate carbon footprint.
Carbon footprint calculations are now also availble online on our digital platform for climate action, my.FirstClimate!